Writing Away My Heart

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-Writing My Heart Away-

"It's these times that it tends,

The start to breaking up, to start to fall apart

Oh! Hold on to your heart"

-2nd/3rd January 2012-

I shivered as the fog soaked into my jacket. My feet moved quicker and I huddled down into myself, so that only my eyes could be seen between my hood and scarf.

"This is one thing I don't miss while travelin' around. The English weather is fookin' appallin' sometimes." Alex growled from behind me, as we trudged along back to my house. "I told ya we should 'ave got a cab."

I pursed my lips. "Yes I know you said that, there is no need to keep reminding me." My voice came out irritated and muffled by the cloth around my mouth,"You know I can't afford a cab and before you say you could have paid, I just want you to know, that just because you're some rich ass fucker, doesn't mean you can go around paying for everything. If you're going to complain anymore, will you just get your own bloody cab."

We had gone shopping and the weather had been lovely, lifting my spirits to the highest level of happiness to the point where I had almost been giddy. The shopping had been an adventure, Alex pushing me round in the trolley and persuading me to buy some ridiculous chocolates. When we had finally left Tesco's, my cheeks had been sore with laughter. However as we had made our way home on the tube, the sky had darkened and the chill had crept up on us. As the weather had changed, so had Alex's mood and by the time we got to the last station and got off, Alex's mood was foul and he barely talked to me, only snatching a bag of food off me and striding in the direction of home. I had nearly forgotten about getting the film from the small film rental store, but had remembered at the last moment. Trying to get Alex's preference on what film he wanted to watch was almost impossible, so I had just snatched up a film my dad had recommended, paid and then stormed out. And now, yet again Alex was moaning about wanting to get a cab. He was getting on my nerves and I was having second thoughts about letting him stay another night. Part of me never wanted him to go, but the more he moaned and complained, the more my mood darkened.

"I'm not going to apologize for havin' money Rhea."

I stayed looking at the wet pavement ahead of me, only a street left now and then warmth, "Don't worry Alex, I don't expect you too."

Alex speeded up so he was walking next to me and looked at me. I could feel his eyes on the side of my face, but kept looking straight ahead. "What the 'ell is the matter Rhea? One moment you're great, the next you're like this."

I stopped then and turned to him, poking him in the chest with my free hand, "What's the matter with me?" I almost shouted, "What about you then? All you've done since we finished shopping is moan and groan, or just be completely silent. Trying to get a word out of you, apart from about you wanting to get a fucking cab, is like trying to get blood out of a stone."

He took a step back as I jabbed him in the chest and looked surprised at my outburst. Good, I'd had just about enough of him.

I whirled round, and marched the last 10 metres to my house, pushing open the gate with so much force that the old rusted thing gave a loud shriek as it's old hinges struggled to work. Without looking back at Alex, I shoved my food bag into his hand, which he took without question, and unlocked the door with my almost numb fingers. Just as I pushed open the door, there was a loud crack from the sky and rain fell as if someone had just turned on a power shower up in heaven. I felt Alex against my back as he struggled to stay in the shelter of the porch as the rain lashed down around us. Walking in, I punched in the security code and took off my damp jacket, hanging it over the small radiator on the wall. Sitting on the hall chair I started to undo my boots, but kept messing it up as my hands were swelling up from the cold, like they always did.

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