I Know

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-I Know-

"Suppose you've gotta do what you gotta do

We just weren't feeling how we wanted to"

-11th February 2012-

Piper's cry of pain or outrage, I couldn't quite work it out, made me jump up of Alex's lap. I had been cuddled into his chest, keeping an eye on the kids that were playing on the climbing frame. We had however got distracted by each other, and now as I jogged back over to Piper, I felt a flash of guilt.

It turned out that she was enraged because Charlie had taken away the stick she had been playing with. On one hand it was a good thing because the stick was bloody filthy, and yet Charlie's worst habit was taking stuff from his baby sister. After I had scooped her up, and placed her on my hip, I had a word with the fluffy haired boy about his habit. He glared at me and turned away crossing his arms, I sighed, and realised it was probably time to head back. We had been out for a good couple hours now, maybe even longer, wandering around the streets, and then we had stayed in this park for what felt like an age. The wind was really picking up now, and the a black boiling mass of clouds could be seen off to my right. The last thing I wanted right now was us to get caught in the rain.

I held out my hand to Charlie, "Come on Cariad, lets head back. You're looking a bit cold."

He turned his head and inspected my hand before climbing down from his perch on the metal frame. However as soon as he was down, he walked straight past me to where Al was still sitting on the park bench. With a defiant look, well as much as he could muster, he grabbed Alex's hand. Well I had been shown. Holding back a smile, I trudged back over to them, careful not to step in the black puddle, which had a crisp packet floating it it.

"Shall we head back? They're getting a bit tired."

Alex yawned and nodded, standing up to his full height. I went to stand next to him, and we made our way out of the semi deserted park. Now I was next to him, I glanced at the side of his face that was level with mine. There was barely any height difference between us, and it was quite pleasant actually. I smiled, and thought that if I ever were to wear heels, I would probably be taller than him. I wondered if he would be the type of guy that, that sort of thing bothered him. Probably not, he had, had two tall models for girlfriends before. This turned my mind back to Alexa. Alex hadn't said anything more about her since he had mentioned that text from her. Some part of me was relieved that he wasn't one of those guys that always brought up their ex's, and yet, in the back of my mind I had a niggling worry. A worry that there was much more that happened between them. Alex still hadn't talked to me about it, not the full story anyway, and I wasn't sure if he just hadn't thought to, or if he was hiding something.

We stopped momentarily so that Alex could pick Charlie up into his arms, as the little man was started to droop. Charlie rested his head against Al's shoulder, and I watched as his eyelids started to flutter closed, his eyes becoming glazed.

Alex turned his head towards me as we walked past an old couple, and his lips twitched, "I think he's decided I'm alright."

I brushed my shoulder against his, careful not to jolt a dozing Piper, "I think he thinks you're a lot more than alright."

Alex didn't reply, but he smiled in a way that I knew he was happy. And this made me happy. We carried on in silence, only stopping when we had to re adjust the sleeping children in our arms, I had pulled Piper under the folds of my coat, and only her small white head poked out of the top. Alex would occasionally look at me and let out a small laugh, which told me plainly how ridiculous I looked. I didn't care though, her solid warmth against my chest made me feel relaxed and whole, as only a child can do to you. We finally arrived back at his, and with sore feet we ascended the stairs, pushing through the door with a relieved air. Undoing my coat, I laid Piper to sleep on our bed, and then throwing off the coat, and kicking off my leather ankle boots, I flopped down next to her. Not soon after, Alex lay down next to me, Charlie by his side. I curled up against his chest, and closed my eyes, breathing soft against his skin. His hand went to my neck, stroking. I hummed in contentment and he he let out a breathy laugh, "You're like a cat."

Well, We're Not Alone Now - Book One - Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now