Climbing On My Desire

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-Climbing On My Desire-

"Tomorrow I'll be faster

I'll catch what I've been chasing after

And have time to play

But I'm quite alright hiding today"

-4th February 2012-

I shrugged on my jacket, and held out my hand for Alex's. He took it, pulling me against him. I could almost see the energy that hummed around him. His face still shone with the after affects of the show, fingers twitching slightly as if they were still playing. The show tonight had been a complete success, and I had thoroughly enjoyed it. This time I had been allowed back stage, and had danced and chatted with Brea and Katie, it would definitely go down as one of the best nights I have had yet. And still the night was not over. It was only about 10pm now, although it felt like much later. Today had been the longest day of my life, and in some ways I hoped it would go on forever. I loved the thrill of all these new experiences and people. Watching him on stage was like a drug. A drug I was now hooked on. The way he moved, sang and performed was so god damn sexy, that all I had wanted to do through the whole show was run on and kiss him until the world ended. Of course I couldn't do that, so had waited until Alex had bounded off stage, scooped me up in his arms, and kissed me until we both had been gasping for breath. It was worth the wait.

Now we were heading outside into the night, where fans waited and camera's flashed. I hesitated just in front of the doors that lead out, not really sure if I was ready to face them. Alex looked back at me, his sweet small smile giving me strength. I gave his hand a small squeeze and took the step out of the door and into the light rain that misted around the group of us. Brea and Katie were also in the arm's of their men who shielded them from the rain. As if to copy them, Alex wound his arm around my waist, pulling me into his body as we walked up to barrier that held pack shouting fans. Never had I witnessed anything like it. It was not the craziness that you see with the likes of One Direction and The Beatles, but still the look they had in their eyes as they gazed at the boys made me feel uncomfortable. And then their eyes turned to me, and I could see it. They were thinking exactly what I was thinking. Why the hell was I here? Who was I to stand next to Alex Turner and act like I was someone special?

I lifted up my mouth to Alex's ear, "I think I'm going to get in the car…"

He turned, confusion evident on his face, "Why?"

I shook my head slightly, "Alex, I don't belong here, my place is behind the scenes, not here, not with all the cameras and shit."

He closed his eyes, taking a breath and then whispered furiously back, "Rhea, you belong 'ere jus' as much as I do. Jus' as much as Katie an' Brea do. People know that the girls are as much part of our lives as the Arctic Monkeys an' more. People know that 'bout them, an' they should know it 'bout you too."

I licked my lips where the rain had landed on them, "Ok. Sorry, I just-"

He put his finger to my lips and said more softly, "No, shh. Not only do they need to know you will now be at my side whether they like it or not. You need to know that I want you 'ere, with me."

I shook my head at him, "You really are something else Mr Turner." I lifted my head up and brushed my lips to his, closing my eyes, savouring the soft touch. Opening my eyes again, I saw his still closed, "You should probably attend to your fans, we've got plenty of time together. I get to spend all night with you, they don't."

Alex glanced at the people behind the metal barriers, "Thank god."

I lightly smacked him on the arm, "Don't say that."

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