Chapter 24

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* a few years later*

Jasmine sat in the living room, along with Hassan's wife, Zara, who had prepared food for them tonight. They both have finished their work and decided to have some tea before, Ardeth returns. Zara and Jasmine had formed a good friendship over the years, it was a comfortable one.

"You know what people are saying?" Zara asked Jasmine, who was calmly sipping her tea glad to relax after a day of hard work. Sighing in content as she took small sips careful not to burn her tongue. "About what?" Jasmine questioned, tilting her head in confusion. She has been here long enough to have several rumors runs around about her, about Ardeth and about both of them. But that is something that will go on everywhere, these things are something that she wouldn't give a time of day.

"About you?!" Zara exclaimed, shocked at her friend for failing to notice the number of rumours going around their backs. If their chieftain finds out about them, everyone who had even dared to entertain such thoughts and talks would pay greatly. Most of them are still breathing just because Jasmine requested him to leave it and not pay it any heed . As long as they are happy what other think doesn't matter.

"Are they still on about children?" Jasmine sighed, tired of that question coming her way again and again. Family planning was not a very common thing but Ardeth and Jasmine wanted to have some time for themselves. With saving the world and breaking the curse, they never got much time to themselves but now that they were married, They wanted to have the other to themselves. Sure, they have talked about children before marriage and agreed that they would give it a few years before trying for them. They recently talked about it again and agreed that both were prepared, since, the medjai work was seemingly calm now with the cursed mummy gone for good. Ardeth would usually be busy with the business he owns, they may be medjais but fighting mummies is not that high paying job and ancient treasures are not something that can be openly used these days.

"They are", Zara confirmed, Jasmine leaned back sinking into the pillows, "They need to mind their own business. This does not concern them."

"Actually, it kinda does" Zara looked at her, "They have been talking about being concerned about the heir of the medjai tribe." Jasmine looked at her, blinked and then blinked again. "My lord is a responsible leader, they have nothing to worry about. My lord would never put the future of the tribe at risk." Jasmine didn't mean to sound so cold but it hurts. These people have been after her and Ardeth for a long time now. To be more exact, since a few months after their marriage and it has been a few years now. Jasmine and Ardeth wanted to have tome for themselves, to make sure that they are ready for children cause they both wanted children but not immediately after marraige.

"They are now saying that maybe its's you." Zara managed to say in an awkward manner.

"Me? What about me?" Jasmine looked at her confused.

Zara continued to look at her without saying anything waiting for her to catch on. Zara how particular the couple were, they had planned for a family and wanted to wait for few years before finally having children. She was aware that they are now trying for children, though she doubt it would be difficult for them cause all these years of seeing Jasmine and Ardeth, they have had their fair share of disagreement or fights but they have good communication. They always make it work.

Jasmine's eyes widened with realization, people are thinking that maybe she was the one unable to conceive. There were some rumours about her bewitching him some time back, Ardeth had a good laugh at that one. But this one did hit her close to her heart a little bit since she was now ready to be a mother, she didn't want to even think of anything negative. But the anxiousness or was it the slightest bit of possibility that what they might be saying could be true. Was their decision to wait a good one?

The sound of the front door opening and closing was heard, Zara stood up fixing herself so she was decent and proper, the way she desired herself to be. Jasmine stood up, usually she would run up to her husband and jump in his arms, smoothening him with kisses but today, she was a it lost in thoughts.

"I'm Home, Rohi" Ardeth called out from the entrance, probably taking off his shoes.

"I'll be on my way, Jasmine. Don't listen to them. You are perfect. You both are." Zara whispered it as she hugged Jasmine, making her way towards the front door. Jasmine followed her out, wanting to see her off as well as greet her husband cause she didn't want him to know that she want having self doubts again. They see Ardeth taking off his boots making sure not to get the dirt everywhere.

"My lord. I'll be on my way" Zara bowed as she took her leave. Jasmine wrapped her arms around him, giving him a few kisses.

"I was wondering where my dear queen was, since I didn't get attacked as soon as I entered home" He smirked at her, Jasmine shoved him towards the washroom to freshen up, shaking her head. She headed kitchen, making their favourite hot beverage before taking them to the living room and sitting on the sofa, thinking. Lost in thought she didn't even notice Ardeth entering the room, looking at her concerned.

"What's the matter, Rohi?" Ardeth sat beside her, pulling her on his lap before sinking into the sofa, holding her close. She knew better than to lie now since he saw through her anyways, why did she even bother in the first place, she doesn't know.

"There are some rumours going around" Jasmine mumbled into his shoulder.

"Should I have a talk to them?" Ardeth suggested softly.

"Talking? I doubt that what you'll be doing will count as talking." Jasmine planted a kiss on his cheek softly.

"Rohi." He pulled her up so she was facing him and held her face in his hand, making her look into his eyes. "We don't have to stay up to their expectations, they didn't  live our lives, they didn't live apart from their loved one for years, we don't owe them any explanation. As long as this is what you want."

"And what if I can't? The rumors-"

"They are rumors."

"What if-"

"If, then we will cross that bridge when we get there. As long as you are by my side, There is no problem that we can't fix." Ardeth pulled her closer wrapping her in his arms, planting a kiss on her head. Wanting nothing more than to make those insecurties disappear and teach those people a lesson for putting their nose where it doesn't belong. He understand that some are concerned about the future of the tribe but he will never be that irresponsible. He will make sure that the tribe is secure, that it's future is secure one way or the other. He just wishes that the tribe would put more faith in him and Jasmine.

He lays down bringing her down with him, her head on his chest as she relaxed while he played with her hair. He wrapped his arms around her, relaxing. Their drinks sitting on the table, ignored and forgotten. Slowly lured by the gentle warmth surrounding them, sound of their breath and soft touches. They both fell asleep. Warm. Happy. Content.


A/n: Hey people! I decided to add a chapter! heheh~ Hope you liked it! I would love to know your thoughts! Thank you so much for reading!

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Love you and Take care!



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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