Chapter - 3

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Jasmine's first priority was Alex and his safety, she made sure to keep him behind her all the time. Evie cartwheeled across the living room floor, kicking one of their attackers while her feet were in midair. She didn't hesitate before plunging further into the fight, blocking the men's swords with her own. Evie had asked her to protect Alex, but how could she when she herself was fighting these jerks. She tried to do the best she could to keep him out of harm's way.

"Whoa, Mum!" Alex's voice interrupted her as the attacker's sword struck against the bookshelf with Evie's own sword blocking him.

"When did you learn to do that?"

"I have no idea," Evie answered, appearing just as stunned as Alex. Before she could react, another attacker grabbed her and pushed her against the wall, but she quickly kicked him in the stomach and aimed another punch at his face, sending him toppling onto the ground. "But that I learned from your father!"

At her mention of Rick, Jasmine snapped her head towards Evie, 'where was Rick?' but now was not the time for questions as another man jumped on her and she decided to pick Alex up and fight with one arm, this was she was able to move better. She knew that they had the odds against them in the fight - she could count perfectly fine, and it was painfully obvious that they were outnumbered. She knocked out the man she was fighting with the hilt of the sword.

She looked around, and her eyes met those of the man who attacked her back in Ciao, Ardeth did tell her about him, Lock-Nah. He was the group's leader and the way he was simply standing there and watching the fight with an amused expression on his face like he could care least what happened to them suddenly irritated her. Jasmine was annoyed with him and that a score to settle with him. She told Alex to hide as She leaped at him, and with her advantage of surprise, managed to knock him onto the ground.

He glowered at her. "You!"

"Yes, me," she hissed, stabbing with her dagger.

But he was quicker, she only managed to cut him.

Fast as lightning, he rolled over so he was now on top of her, pinning her neck with his hands. "Did you really think your little surprise attack would have defeated me?"

"I didn't just think, I know I can," she growled and spat into his face. He roared with fury and Jasmine winced in pain as she felt something slash her shoulder. Something warm and sticky began seeping through her clothes, and with a jolt, she recognized the warm liquid as her own blood.

"Get your hands off her!" Ardeth's voice rose above the sounds of the battle, and Jasmine used that moment to kick him off her. She was free.

Lock-Nah grinned wickedly as he and Ardeth exchanged attack after attack. Soon, it was impossible to tell who was doing what; they were both equally fast and skilled. Jasmine took Ardeth's place as he turned to attack a man that was sneaking upon them. Jasmine was equally skilled, she moved fast and smoothly, managing to cause some damage to him since he at first didn't expect her to be this good as fighting.

"What's in the chest?" Jasmine demanded as she blocked another of Lock-Nah's attacks.

"The Bracelet of Anubis!" Evie called back, busy dealing with an attacker of her own.

"They must not get the Bracelet!" Ardeth warned, "Get it and get out of here!"

Jasmine saw the man come running at Evie the same time Alex did. She tried to warn Evie, but Evie was busy fighting off, she threw one of her daggers at the man behind Evie when she felt Lock-Nah grabbed her from behind and cover her mouth. What happened next was a blur. She heard Ardeth call out to both her and Evie, but then she felt immense pain to her head as Lock-Nah hit her head to knock her out.

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