Chapter - 5

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Jasmine hit the water, drowning going in and out of consciousness. She lost consciousness with visions clouding in, as she sinks deeper. She found herself in a very familiar vision, she has been in it before. It was Hatshepsut's room, she walked around, looking down at herself she blushed at the clothing style she was in. Knowing there isn't much she can do about it and it was a vision anyway, what can she do about what had already happened anyway, she shrugged. "Well, that would depend on what you want to do." She snapped her head at the source of the voice and hissed as she felt a sharp pain on her neck "Owww" She whined as she rubbed the spot, for a vision this sure feels very real. She looked up and saw familiar faces she hasn't seen in a long time, Adam and Evan. Smiling she rushed to them, hugging them as tightly as she could.

"It's you two" she beamed.

"Well, of course, who else do you expect other than a guardian of the dead and a guardian of the undead to meet?"

Jasmine took a few steps back, "wait... You mean to say......?"

"That you are dying? Yes. That's what I wish to say"

"Wow, no need to sugar-coat or lay it done gently for me or anything" she scoffed at their bluntness.  She took a deep breath and went to sit on the bed. "Well, so how are you?" She asked them.

They simply blinked at her dumbfounded, "We just told you that you are dying and you ask dead people how they are? You are unbelievable?!" They shouted at her in disbelief. They walked towards the bed and sat on it as well comfortably. They just sat there beside her winking at each other, "So about Ardeth....." One started. "We happened to be able to keep an eye on you two" The other finished smirking. Jasmine could feel herself blushing, "I have no idea what you're talking about." She said trying hard to keep a straight face. "Imma gonna die anyway"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because tonight when I saw Imoteph he said the curse has begun to act. So it was either me or Ardeth. I prefer me."

"Which curse are you talking about?"

"How many curses do you think i have? Ardeth and I only had to destroy the curse that stops us from becoming one. The locket helped in keep the curse from unleashing but with it gone and Ardeth and I being so close already. It was just a matter of time before the curse would have taken one of us."

"Well, you are half-right"

"Abut what?"

"Having to destroy the curse that keeps you apart"

"I did try!! It didn't work?! I went over everything, i didn't miss anything !! i used my blood, i used the scared daggers and said the spells correctly. Unless I had magically been cursed again-" She paused, turned to stare at them, who were now looking at her with an expression that said it all.

"No" She shook her head.

"Yes," The duo said in unison nodding their head.

"Seriously" She placed her head on her hands, "How can i not think of it before! Damn it"She got up pacing around now.

"Well, now you have. So remember what had happened truly. You are where the curse began, let it show you what went on"

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breathe walking out of the room.

She was greeted by Rameses's guards, who told me that there is a situation that needs me. It was an emergency. They lead me to the room of Rameses, where he was waiting for me, he was looking down, she walked up to him and asked: "What is the matter, Rameses?"

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