Chapter - 12

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Jasmine felt as though her feet were falling off by the time morning turned to afternoon and Rick decided to stop at last beneath a high ledge. He told them it would be the perfect spot to attack Imhotep from above.

"And," he concluded with a grin, "while you guys are busy surprising our friends from up here, it'll be the perfect distraction for me and Ardeth to go get Alex."

The others were all too exhausted to stop and argue. Satisfied, Rick swung up the steep ledge with ease, almost like he was flying, but Jonathan grumbled complaints as he half-staggered and half-fell upward.

Soon it was Jasmine's turn. She managed to grab onto a what she deemed was a sturdy vine, but it snapped under her weight and she squeaked in surprise as her foot slipped. "Oh no!" she gasped, feeling herself plummet downwards, but something beneath her stopped her fall.

"It was a good thing I was still here, right?" Ardeth's husky but teasing voice spoke next to her ear. She instantly relaxed, leaning her body against him, but his teasing still made her cheeks burn.

"T-Thank you, Ardeth," she mumbled. She felt his warm chest pressed against her back, and wished that they were somewhere far away, with no mummies or evil people who wanted to take over the world. Then they could snuggle for as long as she wanted...

Now wasn't the time! she reminded herself, shaking her head furiously as her face glowed brighter. Her blush was so bright it could probably light up the entire oasis by now, she thought with embarrassment.

To her disappointment, his warmth disappeared as his muscular arms hoisted her up, and Rick held out his hand to pull her the rest of the way. Ardeth jumped up after her smoothly.

"Show off," she complained, unable to stop herself from smiling.

Evie winked at her knowingly as Rick helped her up. "I can see why you like him so much."

"Not you too, Evie," Jasmine groaned, burying her face in her hands. It seemed like her entire family was interested in her and Ardeth these days.

They began setting up the camp. Jasmine curiously picked up a rifle and tried to figure out how it worked, but its complicated design made her head spin and she gave up, holding it out to Ardeth.

He looked at her questioningly. "What is it?"

"I think I like handguns better," she said sheepishly. "How do you even work this thing?"

His gaze softened, and he chuckled. "That is why I gave you a handgun, remember? They're easier to operate. Here, let me show you." Jasmine sat down next to him and watched intently as his hand expertly moved along the gun's long barrel. His hand purposely brushed against hers as he took the bullets she offered him and successfully located the cartridge storage.

"I'm leaving after tonight," he said, still working on the rifle.

"I know..." Jasmine replied not looking at him. She knew they both would be in danger and have high chances of injuries and death. "Maybe I should come with you, my powers would be an advantage to have in a battle against creepy mummies.

He shook his head with sadness and something else in his eyes, even though she got him to smile at creepy mummies. "We cannot change something that has been decided thousands of years ago. The Medjai will be the ones who will stop the warriors of Anubis."

"I'm a medjai as well!!" Jasmine pouted with annoyance.

"You are, but you are needed here, your part of the plan has to happen here and only you can break the curse and it's too dangerous there "

"I'm a warrior, Ardeth, Have faith in me"

"I know," he said gently, but there was still frustration in his voice. He lifted his hand to touch her cheek, and Jasmine noticed with a pang the difference between them, how calloused his hand was compared to her own, innocent one but there was something different in his touch, it felt different, she knew he was about to say something stupid, "You deserve better than me. I...I don't know when I could die and leave you alone like this again. " 'Called it~' She thought smiling.

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