Chapter - 19

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It's been a couple of months since they got back, Jasmine is now living with her brother because he was being the over-protective brother that he always has been and also because her brother has given his formal approval for their marriage. The beautiful ring that sat on her finger showed her engagement and the dates for the marriage were still not set because Ardeth wished to respect his traditions and wanted to marry her the same way his father and forefathers have. Marriage through capture.

When Ardeth brought up that idea to her since he wanted her to be okay with it before taking his brother's permission, she was a little suprised since she didn't knew much about this tradition. Ardeth gave her a brief description which basically meant that Ardeth pretty much has to capture her and take her away for them to get married in terms of the ancient traditions but they did decide that they will get married in the more normal and civilied manner, so their families can join. Ardeth and Jasmine had a small ceremony in the chruch with only their family and close friends, her brother insisted on the church ceremony since he always dreamt of walking her down the alise and giving her hand into the hand of a capable man who would love and cheerish her.

With her brothers wish fulfilled, he had agreed to their wishes of respecting their traditions and culture. So, her brother was guarding her 24/7 which was getting on her nerves, she was married to the man for God's sake but he was enjoying the days building up to the capture which they had no idea was when cause Ardeth has been busy with something for sometime. Rick was having the time of his life with the excitement and fun of this tradition cause it was like an adventure for him. He even wished Evie and him had got married in that way, which made all of them laugh at him.

"Hey Mini, did your husband forgot about you or what? Cause we don't mind taking you back home with us." Rick joked.

"Ha-ha, very funny, Rick" She replied to him sarcastically rolling her eyes as she went to her room and slamed the door shut clearly mad about the comment because it did hit her hard. It has been almost a week since their marriage in the church and he has not said anything about, well, anything. She sat down on her bed clearly upset with it.

"If I knew that being away from me would make you this upset, I would have captured you as we walked out that church." A voice came from behind her.

"Ardeth!" she exclaimed when she saw him. He put his fingers to her lips.

"Do not say anything, and do not let anyone know you spoke with me today. After supper, go down to the stream and wait for me. You know the place."

Jasmine nodded silently, and Ardeth slipped away through the window and goes back to his friend friend who was waiting for him near his horse.

"So it begins," said Asim.

Ardeth held his fingers, the same ones that he had held so recently to Jasmine's lips, up to his mouth and kissed them. In a rare moment of candour, he turned to his friend. "I am afraid, my friend. I love her so much but what if I'm not able to be the man she deserves."

"We are Medjai, my lord. You will know what to do."

That night, Jasmine barely touched her food. After supper, she returned to her room. She changed her clothes and put up her hair.

"I'm going for a walk," she told her brother.

"Are you meeting your husband, Mini?" asked Rick, ready to accompany his sister if necessary. Even though Jasmine and Ardeth were betrothed, he still didn't trust them enough to be alone. Also, Ardeth had explained to him his traditions so he knew that he has to be careful and watchful.

"No, He has other matters to attend to tonight," Jasmine did not look at her brother, knowing Rick would see the lie on her face.

"Well," Evie said brightly, "Don't be out too late."

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