Chapter - 16

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Jasmine and everyone looked at the scene unfolding in front of them, The whole Oasis being sucked in and everything going in with it. Jasmine felt a little sad looking at it, it was a beautiful place, ignoring the life-threatening dangers that hung over their head. She would not tell anyone that knowing they will give her the are-you-crazy- look. As they continued to move forward she stood near the edge looking at the direction of the battle, trying to find Ardeth.

"Calm your horses, Mini. He knows you are able to take care of yourself"

"Rick, He must be thinking I'm dead"

"He believes in your a little more than that"

"No! Rick, I died, he must have felt it through the mark, so what i don't want is that mister being all heroic and try dying in battle or something"

"So, that mean, if i kidnap you back, he'll never know" Rick wondered.

Jasmine glared at him in disbelief, "Rick!!" She scolded him in disapproval, "Don't you dare"

He grinned like a lunatic making Jasmine take a step back, wondering if he's serious or joking.

"Rick! Stop troubling your sister" Evie came to her rescue. She hugged Jasmine close and Rick joined it.

Rick pulled away and nodded at Evie who then pulled out the pendent on her neck and unclaps it and clasped it around Jasmine's neck. Jasmine tried to refuse but her brother stopped her "We lost all our heirlooms but we wanted you to have something that felt like it." Rick tried to explain.

"To remind you that even though we'll be far away, we are always here." Evie said kissing her forhead, Jasmine eyes were damp with tears but she refused to cry because she didn't wish to ruin this moment with her tears. And why should she, they have Jonathan to do it and on cue, Jonathan appeared "Guys, keep that greedy idiot's hand off my treasure." They sighed looking at each other as they shake their head, somethings never change anf this was one of them.

Rick explain to Jasmine how he wanted to prank Ardeth a little and told her to stay put out of the view of the Medjai. Jasmine didn't want to but relutently agreed while sulking away in a corner, at her brother's cruel joke.

They saw Ardeth and headed towards the edge, she could hear him say something but she was away so couldn't hear it properly, so she walked closer to Rick but away from the view as she promised.

"She went to attack Imoteph, she did break the curse but the lady with him stabbed her and then Evie and then Imoteph only made it worse when he threw her around. She gave me this," He said throwing Ardeth the locket that he had given her. Ardeth took a deep breath before lowering his head, he could barely keep himself together. Rick knew that he would not find a better man for his sister, who would keep Jasmine safe and sound at any cost.

Rick went back towards Jasmine who was still looking at the exchange, pleading her brother to let her go to him, let him know that she was alive and she is okay. She was lost in her thought when without warning, her body was suddenly lifted off the ground, and she let out a squeak of surprise when she saw that Rick was carrying her towards the dirigible's entrance. He had asked her to stay quiet, that she listened but this was crazy!!

"Rick! What do you think you're doing?" she exclaimed, hitting his back to try and let her go. He refused to budge.

Rick whistled at Ardeth to catch his attention, Ardeth couldn't believe his eyes. "You! Take care of my sister for me, alright? If I hear even a single complaint from her, I'll storm into your camp and take her away myself!"

Jasmine flushed. "Is that necessary, Rick?"

Ardeth guided his horse into position and held his arms out, and then Jasmine was flying through the air. Unlike the times Imhotep or the mummy soldier had thrown her, this time Jasmine knew she would land in safe hands.

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