Chapter - 22

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Jasmine took a deep breath as she turned to face away from the light that was peeking through the curtains, she stretched as she yawned. Jasmine opened her eyes excepting to see her dear husband beside her in the bed but all she got was a cold empty space instead. She frowned as she looked at the clock that was ticking away on the wall of the room, it was early and definitely too early to leave your wife in the bed alone. Jasmine pouts at her husband's absence beside her this early in the morning, she slipped on one of his tunics over her bare body and went on her search to find where her dear Husband was. The early morning chillness made her shiver a little as she continued to make her way downstairs bare feet, Jasmine has never been much a slipper wearing person as she enjoyed feeling the ground beneath her feet.

Jasmine made it down when she felt herself yawn softly as she stretched her arms above her head. She sighed making her way to the kitchen when she heard grunts and pants coming from the back of the house, she frowned as she went to see what in the world was going on. She opened the backdoor as her morning air greeted her and the sight made whatever sleep that was left in her disappeared. Ardeth seemed to have used the early morning for training, Jasmine is no complaining as she leaned against the door watching her husband swing his weapon around with smooth motion, it was a part of him. Anyone who was trained by the Medjai was always told to make their weapon a part of them and it was always the hardest thing to learn because you can learn how to use a weapon but to be one with it, it takes time and training.

Jasmine decided to let him give her a show, knowing that he knew that she had been staring at him cause he made his movements more controlled and fluid, flexing his muscles with a hidden smug looked that was on his face. She walked closer slowly picking up a hand towel that was kept on the side with a shy smile on her face making Ardeth smirk more. "Goodmorning, Chieftain" Jasmine chimed.

"Goodmorning, my lady" Ardeth stilled bending a little expecting Jasmine to wipe the sweat on his face, not expecting the towel to hit is face along with another one on his upper body. "I think you need to work more on your reflexes, my lord. Come on! Time for breakfast!!" He could hear the smirk in her voice as she skipped away giggling. He removed the towel from his face shaking his head at his dear lady after all these years of separation and hardship, curse or not, his little lady had faced it bravely and never left his side, no matter how many people persuaded her to do. He couldn't be more grateful to her that she had every right and opportunity to leave him and find a peaceful life for herself. But the selfish part of him wanted to keep her so close now that any other thoughts could never even get close to her.


He looked at the lady dancing around the kitchen cooking and couldn't help but smile as he started setting up the table for them, before joining his lovely little lady taking her hand and twirling her making her laugh. The music was good but like it mattered they had their own rhythm. Ardeth pulled her closer as he reached out to turn off the heat so their breakfast won't get overcooked or burnt. Jasmine ducked away pulling out tea for the two of them, preparing it in the way they preferred while Ardeth served the food, sneaking in a little more on her plate than she usually takes. She gives him a look but let it slide since he is cute, he laughed when she told him that, they thanked for the food before digging in. Their meal was filled with small talks and sweet nothings. Ardeth washed the dishes while Jasmine cleaned up the table and the kitchen.

"What are you planning on doing today?" Jasmine knew he had got some time off his duties but she just wanted to make sure something hasn't come up.


Jasmine choked, coughing as she reached for water only for Ardeth to bring it closer to her lips as she took careful sips trying to calm down. "Ardeth!" She gave him a look, "WE are going to the market and get things for our home" Jasmine held her hand against his abdomen keeping him from closing in on her. She knew well enough that if she let him any closer there is no way they will be stepping outside today.

"We can always tell someone to get whatever we need and bring it here" He gave her a lazy smirk, trying to bring her closer but she dodged him making sure to keep a decent distance between there. "nO! WE are going! OURSELVES!!" Jasmine squealed as she ran behind the sofa laughing. "Rohi~ Would rather stay with your dear husband or go out to market?"

"I choose the market! Get dressed!!" Jasmine shouted as she ran upstairs, laughing. She wanted to stay home but there were some things that they needed for their home and she wanted to handpick everything they use around the house. Before she starts her work and Ardeth would have to go for his duties, she wanted to make this place their home! She wanted both of them to be involved in that process of turning this place that is THEIR home. both his and hers.


A/n: Hello people!!! The next chapter is a lemon and after that, it's the epilogue! Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Lemme know your thought here or on Instagram (unwritten_angel).



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