Chapter - 2

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" Jasmine... " His eyes never left hers as he reached out and gently stroked her reddened cheek. No matter how pretty she looked in his memory, it could never compare to the woman before him, and he'd missed her every second they had been separated. " You have saved my life... again." They both said at the same time and then smiled.

Jasmine narrowed her eyes at him, gave him a tight-lipped smile which anyone could tell something is gonna happen before he could say anything, she just went by him and closed the door and blocked it just in case, the bad guys decided to come back. She then went to get her first aid kid stood again in front of him and raised her brow, "Care to explain why i just got attacked by those unknown people who clearly know me and they sure do know you." As she started to clean his wound and

"Can we sit and talk?"

"I'll go make something to drink." She said walking into the kitchen, knowing it's gonna be a long story.

*Time skip brought to you by Storytime by Ardeth*

"So long story short, they wanna resurrect Imhotep."

"Yes. But they have not found him yet, they don't seem to be giving up anytime soon." Ardeth said in an unsure manner. Jasmine was taking this in a very calm manner which he did not expect after all those months of no contact. But then again, this is Jasmine we are talking about, she always surprises you when you least expect it.

"Why did they come after me?" She asked confused.

"You were protected from the second you came here. They must have noticed it. In the morning when you were in the market, one of their men saw you. They are working for someone who knows a lot about us and you. They feel threatened. They seem to be after your brother as well" Ardeth explained as best as he could.

"You can stay if you want, I'm going back tomorrow, early in the morning, Rick and his family would be back from their adventure. I gotta get there before they do." She said, wishing him night as she pecked his cheek and went straight to her room. She may have not said anything but he knew by the way she talked and pecked his cheek that she was upset that he kept all this from her for so long, but he couldn't blow his cover while he was there. He signed shaking his head, he got up and walked towards where she went only to find her in front of the mirror in the washroom trying to take care of her wounds and scratches. Ardeth takes it from her hand and turns her towards him, placing her on the counter near sink and cleaned her wounds.

She went to bed after that, Ardeth by her side, sitting beside her playing with her hair, which relaxed her a little, she smiled and closed her eyes, falling into sleep peacefully. Ardeth slowly relaxed as well, too cautious to fall asleep, just keeping an eye out for any movements or sounds. Slowly he fell asleep as well, leaning against the board.

There was knocking on the door, they both stood up ready for the attack, but relaxed listening to the knocking pattern, it was a medjai. The sun was just started to rise, it was way too early for anything. Ardeth glanced at her and went towards the door and opened it. The medjai acknowledged them and reported to Ardeth:

"They have found him!! They seem to have lost what they had sent those thieves after, They are going to London. I just received the intel that Reds are going to London to retrieve the artefact themselves." and stood to await further orders. Jasmine's mind clicked Rick! He would back to London tomorrow.

"Make arrangements for us to get there as soon as you can. " Ardeth ordered and turned, Jasmine, nodded rushing to get everything ready for the travel.


Rick had got back from their trip and was surprised to see that jasmine was not already there, waiting for them. but he quickly dismissed it as must be busy in that library of hers.

Evie held out her book to Alex. "It's the Year of the Scorpion," she explained with a smile.

"Neat!" Alex commented, taking the book from her.

"Thought you might like that," Evie said. She turned to study the chest, only to frown when she noticed that the key was missing. "Alex, did you see where the key went?"

Alex shook his head, having hidden it earlier, the kid was certainly a lot smarter than others his age. "Er, no," he mumbled.

"Did you hide the key, Alex?" Evie asked, bending down to check the pockets in his jacket.

"Of course not! I just can't find it," Alex told her.

"Alex, I'm serious. If you've lost that key, you're grounded," Evie warned.

"I haven't lost it, I just can't find it. There's a difference." Alex argued.

"Well, you better start finding it, then," Evie ordered.

"I will, Mum. There's nothing to worry about," Alex reassured her hastily.

Unfamiliar footsteps interrupted them. "Good evening," the owner of the footsteps greeted, stepping into the room. He wore a distinct red scarf around his neck.

Evie pushed Alex back behind her, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" she demanded coolly.

Thunder rumbled throughout the house.

"I'm looking for the chest, of course," the man said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, He was hurt, Evie stuck. Alex picked up the box in an attempt to hide it from him. "Give it to me now," the man continued threateningly, wordlessly warning them that there would be consequences if they refused to follow orders.

Evie strode across the room and snatched out the sword hanging on the bookshelf. "Get. Out. Of. My. House," she growled, holding the sword in front of her.

"Whoa, Mum. Maybe not the best idea," Alex stated, but Evie pushed him behind her.

Alex backed away slowly. "Definitely not a good idea," he pointed out. "Think it's time to yell for Dad now."

"Now, I would kill you and take it anyway," the man threatened, taking a step forward.

It was then that the heavy-accented voice Evie recognised cut in, "I think not."

Jasmine stood beside him, ready to fight as Ardeth himself stepped into the room.

Jasmine walked ahead and pulled Alex behind them but felt him nudge her. She turned towards him and he asked, "Is he why you always turn down all those other men?"

"You'll get it when you're older," she said with a small smile. Ardeth glanced at her surely gonna bring that up when they get to spend some time alone, but that was for later, much later. Their appearance seemed to be unwelcomed by the other men, for they drew out their swords upon his arrival.

"Ardeth, what are you doing here? Jasmine?" Evie queried.

"Perhaps explanations are best kept for later," he answered, casting a sideways glance at Jasmine.

The first intruder raised an eyebrow. "I figured you two would come, Ardeth Bay, Hatshepsut."

"Lock-Nah," Ardeth returned in the same dangerous tone.

Groaning inwardly Jasmine knew this is not gonna end well, she didn't imagine this is how they would see each other again.

'Oh, i knew life was going a little too well'


A/N: What do you think? Thank you so much for reading. I'm gonna try and update more often in all my stories and maybe even publish some which have been rusting in my drafts in the dawn of time. With everything going on, My finals have been suspended and I'm working from home. So i have more time to work on my stories here. How are you guys doing? Stay safe and take care, guys. I love you all.

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