Chapter - 15

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Ardeth stood there ready for battle, when Areena's brother, Azaan, comes by his side and bowed to him. " All the tribes have arrived and are ready for the battle. Everyone is ready for your word." He stood beside him awaiting his orders. Ardeth looked around, looking at the faces of men he was going into a battle with. Ardeth paused when he saw the Elder of his tribe there and if looks could kill, he would be dead and buried in an instant. The elder charged at him along with some of his men, they were stopped by the men surrounding them. Ardeth of the chieftain of all the tribes. No one can just walk up to him just like that or in this case attack him.

The Elder was led towards Ardeth held by some warrior of his army, the elder's eyes were glossed over as if in a trance and Ardeth knew that he did that under the influence of the curse.  He was struggling to pull himself free cursing at Ardeth for dooming us by being around that cursed outsider, The elder then just calmed down and relaxed but pulled him out the grips of the warrior and stoled their dagger and jumped at Ardeth, who swiftly moved away. He was in no mood for this and nodded at Azaan who knew what to do.

The Elder gasped suddenly, his eyes changed as he was freed of the influence of the curse. Ardeth gasped as he held his hand over his heart, he felt the curse-breaking he felt free as he was freed into the sky. He smiled brightly, 'You did it, Jasmine, you did it. We can finally be together and be one for eternity to come.' He couldn't help but imagine his Rohi running towards him when they meet and jumping in his arms, he couldn't wait for the moment when he could kiss her soft lips again. Till properly ask her to marry him, he thought as he touched the small box in tucked away safely under his cloak. He could imagine her face as he would go down on his knee. Now that the curse is broken he could finally marry her. He has her brother's blessing who he talked to while they were coming here.

Ardeth bends over as he feels like the air knocked out of him and the pain goes through him like electricity. He gasped for breath, as the burn continues to spread through his chest, to near his neck and spreads around the shoulder. He gasps for breath as it gets harder and harder to breath, it was as if someone was trying to burn his heart out. He chocked on his breath, Azaan rushed towards him and held him up, taking off his scarf thinking maybe it way chocking him when he gasped "My lord, the markings on your neck and shoulder are disappearing." He said as he saw the mark slowly fading away. "no-no "Ardeth denied it must be something else, it can't be it. Jasmine had told him her mark would only disappear when she would. That how Areena found that she was alive. Ardeth clutched the place where her mark was or used to be. In all his life, he had never felt pain like this, it was nothing like he ever felt before. And it was still breaking his heart just to think of the thought of losing her just after the curse was broken. Despite the pain, it didn't dim the fire that burned through him, he was to avenge her and he was out for blood, he didn't care if he lost himself to it.

Azaan ordered everyone to take their positions as he held Ardeth up, waiting for his lord to say something. Ardeth stood up shakingly and stepped away from Azaan, his breathing was uneven and fast. The pain had to stop physically but emotionally he felt as if someone is squeezing his heart out. Shaking his head at Azaan and went up to his position, he didn't want to talk to anyone, he just wanted to kill someone or a bunch.

Ardeth looked back to the sand to see a shadow coming towards them, at first having a head and claws of a scorpion at the front but merging away as it stopped a good distance away from them.

Continuing to watch, Ardeth and the Medjai stared in awe and slight fear as lumps of darkened sand began to rise, forming body shapes till they fully formed into skinny bodies of human mixed with dog features, their heads of jackals, their only direct link to Anubis, holding various weapons as they began to scream that sound familiar to a chorus of roars.

The Anubis army began to march slightly closer till the order from one in front of the army held his weapon in the air, signalling them to stop. Ardeth drew his sword which Ardeth and the rest of the army followed suit. Giving the verbal answer, Ardeth took off and the rest following, Ardeth noticing how the two armies quickly clashed and didn't release fully she was in a battle till she had decapitated five Anubis warriors already.

Killing two more, Ardeth was on a clear streak until one of the Anubis warriors in front of him roared, frightening his horse and knocking him off, landing on the sand hard. Not taking the time to recover properly, Ardeth quickly got up and parried an attack from the warrior that frightened his horse. Gaining the upper hand, Ardeth knocked the warrior backwards and as it tried to swing an off-balance attack, Ardeth quickly dodged and swung back, the force swinging through its neck and turning it back into the sand.

Realising it was too late, Ardeth whirled round to see a warrior let out a roar as it raised its weapon, but one Medjai came up and jammed its sword into its stomach. Another Medjai came up from behind the warrior and slammed their sword into its ribs. A third Medjai walked past Ardeth in defiance and swinging his sword, decapitating its head.

The four covered the faces as the sand exploded around them, not looking up till the sand had settled. Ardeth looked around and saw the Anubis warriors retreating. Taking this opportunity, Ardeth turned to the three medjai,

Ardeth took another quick moment to look at them then nodded, "Stay by my side, till the end of this. Do not die." he ordered, the men nodded once and followed the male, slaying more warriors and soon seeing Ardeth as he slew the last warrior. The Medjai around began to cheer as Ardeth approached the front, " Something is off." Azaan whispered.

Ardeth nodded and they both looked around, then something clicked in Ardeth and he took off running. Azaan called his name in surprise but was ignored, so he followed suit with the rest of the army, soon caught up with Ardeth as they stared at the oncoming Anubis army.

Four times the size of the Medjai army.

As the Anubis army crept slowly closer Ardeth looked down the left side of the Medjai army then the right, finally turning his gaze to ahead. Ardeth took a deep breath knowing the end, there is no way they will come out on the other side alive, not with an army this size. He smiled a little, 'Wait for me, Jasmine...I'll join you soon.'

Raising his sword, Ardeth let out a cry that encouraged the rest of Medjai that also let out a cry as they raised their swords, Ardeth following the rest. They took their stances with their swords as the ready as the army got steadily closer and when they were only a few inches from the Medjai army...

....they all exploded into black sand, the Medjai and Ardeth covering their faces just in time. When the sand settled, everyone looked around and took it in for a moment then all began to cheer in celebration. Ardeth looked around and settled his gaze on everyone around him as they cheered. He was glad his people were okay but there empty feeling in him just kept eating him out.

He looked just in time from the army to see a blackened face rise into the sky from Ahm Shere, then disappear into nothing.

"Look," Azaan whispered, pointing in the sky. Ardeth followed the point to see a little moving object in the sky. "It's the dirigible," he whispered. Clicking the reins, Ardeth's horse took into a run and as they quickly reached the dirigible where they could just see their friends, Ardeth stopped the horse. They lowered the dirigible and Rick stood at the entrance as it hovered over near Ardeth who rushed to them wanting to know what happened.

"What happened TO HER?!"


A/n: Heya people, hope you all are alright! Sorry for the late update. Hope you all like it. Do tell me if you do!

Take care and be safe.

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