Chapter - 18

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Jasmine stirred up frowning at the noises that had surrounded her, she opened her eyes only to shut them due to the brightness. She blinks a couple of times trying to surface, looking around at her surrounds realizing that they have arrived at Ciao. The hustle and noise around her was the night market of the city which was really a sight to see if you have not just woken up from a nap or more like sleep and are feeling absolutely messed up. She was groggy and stiff from sitting for too long, she yawned covering her mouth with her fisted hand as she tried to blink back the tears that came with the yawn.

"We'll be home in a few minutes, are you feeling alright?" Ardeth leaned down to ask speaking in a low voice which for some reason made Jasmine blush but thankfully he didn't seem to notice it. She just nodded at him as she continued to look around fascinated with the night market that seemed to be as busy as the day, if not more. The night market was a special place for them, she glanced up at Ardeth with a smile as the fruit vendors tried to sell them some fruits, Ardeth chuckled as he understood what her smile meant but he decided to get some fruits for him anyways. Jasmine took the fruits from him and thanked him as they continued on their way, "Now don't go throwing fruits at someone's head, okay?" Ardeth whispered to her making her laugh at the memory.

"He tried to steal from me" She stated looking proud of herself at what she had done that time before bursting out laughing.

Ardeth laughed with her shaking his head at her but he had to agree that was surely a sight to see. That was the first time he has seen someone throwing fruits at a thief to slow them down. Thank the Lord he was there at the time, otherwise, God knows what this lady might have done. They made their way through the market and continued on towards a more quieter part of the city. There were medjai guarding the gates and the whole area, the whole was houses of the medjai tribes who lived here or their family did. So every made sure that everyone was protected and safe, just in case.

"Good positioning" Jasmine prasied as she scanned through the area, he had put a lot of thought into the security. "Thank you" Ardeth nodded as he looked over through the positions of the medjai making sure no one was slacking off. "Do you remember the first time you came home?" He asked once he was sure everything was okay.

"Nooo~" She shook her head, "Not really, I do remember when i came to your tribe with my father." She said softly as she leaned back into him a little cause the night beeze was cool and she was not dressed for cold but hot so the warm coming from Ardeth felt good. Ardeth glanced down at her and tried to suppress his smile as it was adorable how she tried to casually lean into him. He saw her shiver slightly and ajusted himself so his robes would cover her as well. "Thank you" She blushed looking down, it was these little things that always made her feel loved around Ardeth, he might not go for poetry and flower but he would take care of her without even letting anyone know.

It took her 15 minutes as they slowed down their pace and were heading for their home, one by one all of the medjai accompaning them were dismissed at they crossed their home. Ardeth helped Jasmine down and smiled at her "I did ask someone to prepare the house but I'm sorry if it's a mess."

"I don't mind but are you sure you don't mind me staying here? I could have stayed at the apartment if it's too much trouble." She started to ramble a little but Ardeth just picked her up and walked into his house not letting her go. "This is your home as well, I know it's not much but hope you don't mind it. We can change it in the future if you wish to." Ardeth calmly said as Jasmine looked around smiling. She turned to him "It's perfect, love" She gives him a smile as she close her eyes, letting out a yawn.

"How you are still sleepy is beyond" Ardeth chuckled shaking his head.

"That's my superpower" Jasmine gave him a pose, making him laugh harder.

"Yeah? You think your powers can save you from this?" Ardeth tries to tickle her but she jumps back just in time to avoid his hand and runs for her life, not turning around to look at him. 'Not gonna look, that is how they go down. They always look back' she thought to herself as she makes a turn and finds the stairs going up and takes it. She could hear Ardeth behind her but she had the headstart to help her and she was good at running and dodging. She will not go down without a fight.

Jasmine makes the mistake to laugh at him, only to get caputered between him and the door of a room. Ardeth kept his hands beside her head leaning towards her. "Even the slightest distraction can be your downfall." He smirked at her, Jasmine looked him in the lips before her eyes went down on his lips making lean down closer to her. Jasmine leans up as their breath mix just as their lips touched Ardeth fell into the room as Jasmine twisted open the knob and steps out of his fall.

Ardeth managed to catch himself and looked at Jasmie with his intension clear in his face and mostly the mischeif that was in his eyes. Jasmine squeeled as she ran away again but clsoed the door to get herself some more time. Jasmine couldn't help back laugh at their behaviour, they are acting like teeangers but that's okay, they never got their chance as teens so it's okay. They have their rest of their lives with each other.

It's finally their time.


A/n: Hey everyone! Sorry it's tuesday since it's already midnight but somewhere in the world it's stll monday! So I hope you enjoy this. Stay safe and mask on!. I love you all!!

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