Chapter - 14

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Imoteph lips lifted into a wicked grin, watching the family grieve from afar. He knew Hatshepsut would be a nuisance, she was strong and more importantly, she knew him well after all he was her teacher while she was training. She was an annoyance, and annoyances had to be taken care of.

Back in that modern city, the one called London, he had originally sent four of his soldiers to chase the family of the man who destroyed him the first time but called one back when he had thought that three were enough. But he had been wrong, Hatshepsut stronger than she was in ancient times. And Imhotep was never wrong.

This time, he knew just what to use to deal with the girl. He knew she would come after him, it did hurt him when she stabbed him but he was more powerful than the scared daggers now, she might have been able to break the curse but watching her choke in pain was satisfying. Somewhere in his heart, he did miss the girl who would chew his brains out with her curiosity but that girl had to die.

Without needing to see that his deed would be done, Imhotep swept his way into the pyramid, preparing to face the evil feared by all mankind...

Rick hugged Alex tightly, Evie and Jasmine's loss still lingering in the air as they knelt beside them. Jonathan touched their once warm hand, now ice-cold, and didn't think he would ever be able to get over the thought that her sister and Jasmine was gone. Evie, Jasmine...I never got to repay you...

"Stay here," Rick whispered to his son. He gave Jonathan and Alex a meaningful look, cutting off the protest that was about to escape from Alex's mouth. He turned and wordlessly headed for the pyramid - the choice he made was final.

"Dad.." Alex watched him go, his blue eyes clouded with pain. A few years ago, Jonathan would have tried to stop him or would have done anything, no matter what the cost to stay away from the danger lurking in the pyramid's shadows evident. But now, he had learned to accept his choices, knowing that what he did was for the best. Sure, he was worried about him, but Alex needed comfort, too. Jonathan's mind went towards Ardeth, how will they explain to him this? All Jonathan could think of the way they both looked at each other and how strong they were together. He would not be able to look him in the eye ever.

Suddenly, a shadow swept toward the tip of the pyramid, darkening the sky and everything around them. Alex looked up, his eyes narrowing into a frown at the impending darkness. Something was happening, that much was certain...

Alex remembered all his aunt had told him, stories of the ancient times, she would tell him of their adventure and she was particularly fond of the memory of his first words where instead of his mom and dad, he uttered "mi..." She used to love rubbing that on his dad's face. Alex smiles fondly at the memory. But then again, She was always there with him, taking care of him and schooling him. She not only taught him about history, geography or languages but about myths and would teach him some tricks of self-defence as well.

They meant so much to him. He was upset and crying, and Jonathan knew he had to help him, too. He took a deep breath and reached out to ruffle Alex's hair. "Maybe heaven really is up there," he murmured, his voice cracking.

Jonathan rested a hand on his shoulder. "Try to think of it like this, Alex. They have gone to a better place. You know, as they say in a good book."

Alex remembered Jasmine telling him about the time his mother managed to kick start an apocalypse just by reading a book. Alex's head lifted with sudden hope. "The book! That's it, the book!" At the confused expressions of his uncle, he pulled him up. "The book, Uncle Jon, The book!"

They had barely taken a step closer to where Alex was trying to lead them when a roar from the shadows of the pyramid echoed around them, chilling them to the bone. They froze, staring in shock at the mummy soldier that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Where had he come from?

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