Chapter - 10

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Evie's scream suddenly pierced through the night, snapping Jasmine out of her reverie. She spun around towards the location of Evie's voice, her eyes widening in horror at what she saw. Evie had fallen over the side of the dirigible!

"Evie!" Rick screamed, on his foot at once. He raced to the front of the dirigible, barely able to hold on himself as he leapt over to catch her.

"Rick!" Jasmine cried desperately, just as Jonathan lunged for him.

For a few terrifying moments, the two dangled in midair, an inch from falling to their deaths. She ran towards them as Ardeth and Jonathan helped were they able to pull Rick and Evie back into the safety of the dirigible.

Rick collapsed onto the ground, breathing out a sigh of relief, and Jasmine flung herself on top of him in a tight hug. "I don't want to lose you, Rick," she whispered, and he squeezed her back just as tightly. I just want Rick and Ardeth to be safe. Is that too much to ask? she wailed silently, hoping that the gods of Egypt could hear her plea and watch over the two she cared about the most.

"I know. Sorry for worrying you, Mini," he murmured into her hair. He pushed himself up and offered her his hand. "Come on."

Jasmine followed Rick, joining the others as they gathered together. "Evie, I know you haven't exactly been yourself lately, with all these dreams and visions - " Rick began, but she quickly interrupted him.

"No, no. They're memories from my previous life," she explained with excitement. "Honestly, I'm not losing my mind. It all makes perfect sense now," she reassured Rick as he stared at her in disbelief.

He still looked unconvinced. "And it's the reason we found the bracelet?"

She nodded. "Exactly. I was its protector."

"And now do you believe, my friend? Clearly, you were destined to protect this woman," Ardeth put in from his seat next to Jasmine and Jonathan.

"Right. She's a reincarnated princess and I'm a warrior for God," Rick bit back sarcastically. Jasmine was a bit annoyed at him for not wanting to believe in it, but it couldn't help make her wonder. Did he believe her when she told him the truth or did he just agree so she won't get mad at him.

Jonathan lowered his voice so that he could speak to Jasmine. "Do you think we had a previous life, too?"

Jonathan winked at her. "If we did, I hope we were in a relationship," he joked.

Jasmine slapped his arm, rolling her eyes. Only Jonathan would come up with that sort of response. "Nope, i was Pharoah, i have a very good taste in men. I doubt I'd be in a relationship with you" She smirked in a teasing way.

jonathan's eyes widened as he said gasped "PHAROAH?!"

Ardeth let out a soft chuckle at their banter - to which Jasmine flushed with embarrassment with the sudden attention on her - before turning back to address Rick. "And your son leads the way to Ahm-Shere," he explained, unfazed by Rick's remark. He had been around Rick long enough to learn to ignore his snide comments. "Three sides of the pyramid. This was all preordained, thousands of years ago."

"And how does the story end?" Evie asked curiously.

Ardeth shook his head, unable to answer. "Only the journey is written, not the destination."

Rick shot Ardeth an annoyed glance. "Convenient."

"How else do you explain Evie's visions? That it is your son who wears the bracelet," Ardeth pointed out patiently. "How do you explain your mark?"

"Coincidence," Rick insisted.

"My friend, there is a fine line between coincidence and fate," Ardeth said, his seriousness making Jasmine shiver. His tone meant the end of the argument, to which Rick sighed in defeat.

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