Chapter 7

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Jasmine took a step back, looking at Ardeth who notice her eyes on him and flashed her a smile and back to Areena who had a satisfied look on her face. Jasmine closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She gave Jasmine a fake smile and a quick hug as she knew Ardeth was watching and went to go back but Jasmine caught her wrist and held her back...

Jasmine faced her no longer looking lost or hurt but her eyes were filled with fury and glowing gold, "you're hands are burned."

" i was cooking?" It sound more like a question than an answer.

"Sweetheart, do you think Ardeth wouldn't hold a mark that makes him mine just as I hold one that makes me his? And lemme let you something, i managed to place some magic in it too, so what you have in your hands now is a proof that you tried to take advantage of him and failed. If he would have willingly gone to you, i would have felt the pain, pain worse than anything you can imagine. But you see I didn't feel any pain of that sort, you know" Jasmine said moving her top up to reveal the mark that makes her bride of Ardeth. Seeing the mark on her, Areena's eyes widened.

Jasmine studied her and couldn't help but smirk, "You saw my mark  on him, didn't you?"

Jasmine tightened her grip on her and looked into her eyes, her eyes changed to a golden hue and their surrounding changed. They were no longer in the magic carpet but inside a tent, she saw Areena look at her father as he told her "Jasmine is dead, I think you should go to Ardeth, he might need some comfort." smirking at her. She went to get changed into a more.... well a different outfit. She went to look out to see where Ardeth is to see him entering his tent with his second in command pushing him in and asking him to rest before working again. Once there were no one around, she went close to his tent and peeped inside and she gasped. Jasmine looked at Areena confused and just entered the tent since it's a vision, she is more or less a ghost here, she looked at Ardeth and calmly walked out as her face started to burn up and she took some deep breathes to calm herself and walked back in, now knowing what she would see.

He had removed his tunic and all the layers of upper body clothing he usually wore. With the amount of physical activity he does, no surprise he was in a good shape. There was Ardeth standing in front of the mirror looking at her mark on his which was on his neck and spread around to the part of his shoulder. Jasmine couldn't help but check him out and let out a low whistle, it's not like he knows what she is doing, Ardeth took out his scimitar and began to practice his move, Jasmine snapped herself out of it remembering how she was here and narrowed her eyes and Areena who was watching HER betroth while he was working with his scimitar. At this moment Jasmine wished this was not a vision so she could roll Ardeth up in a blanket and poke Areena's eyes out for looking at him.

Areena entered the tent unannounced and got closer to Ardeth hugging him from behind, Jasmine stood there with her jaw dropped, ready to kick Ardeth's butt when she gets back but changed her mind when she heard Ardeth whisper 'Rohi' as he spinning and went to hug Areena only to stop and step back making some distance between them and quickly put on his tunic. "How dare you come in here unannounced and disturbed me?" 

"I just wanted to comfort my lord, we can finally be together without that outsider coming between us"  She said walking closer to Ardeth placing her hands on him, trying to kiss him, Jasmine watched the exchange carefully. Ardeth smiled and calmly said, "Jasmine was never between us.... you came between Jasmine and I! Now go before I kill you " Ardeth's fury was clear in her voice, he was not kidding. Areena held his hands tried to kiss him again only to scream and pull her hands away from him and see that they were burned. She ran away sobbing.

The vision changed, Areena was sitting with her father mopping over what happened."If what you say is true, Jasmine is still alive"


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