Chapter - 20 *Mature Content*

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A/n: Hello people, so you guys wanted a lemon included. Good Choice, I like you guys a lot. So, This chapter might have a different writing style unless your lovely author decides to edit and read through it. Which is highly unlikely, the girl needs to get a boyfriend or something, she needs to have some fun in life. So I was asked to insert a warning, so this is it. This chapter includes lemon/smut, read at your own risk. You've been warned. AND if you don't wish to read this just go directly to the next chapter. Byeeee~

~Devil's Angel


Jasmine's PoV

Ardeth's hands reached for the zipper of my dress as he continued to kiss my neck lustfully. His lips lingered a little bit longer each time. His hot breath fanned across my neck as I heard the zipper coming undone. Ardeth slipped the dress off of my shoulders and down to my feet. I didn't need a bra with this dress, therefore, I was only in my underwear now.

As he came back up, he kissed up the back of my thigh. His strong hands rested on my hips from behind as he did this. His lips then made it to my back and my shoulders. He kissed across the small frame of my shoulders, having to bend down to do so. His hands rubbed up and down my waist agonizingly slow.

He turned me around to face him. I kissed his sweet lips and began to undo his several layers of clothing. My hands reached for the tunic, quickly discarding our clothes even though we had all the time in the world. Ardeth picked me up bridal style, very fitting for the occasion.

I sat on the edge of our bed, my legs on either side of Ardeth. His hands wandered all over my bare skin as we kissed. Our lips moved against one another intensely.

I would pull away momentarily, breathing hard against his mouth because the kiss was so filled with a fervour that I needed to catch my breath. He would do the same occasionally. Ardeth had pulled off his tunic long ago. We now kissed with him just in his pants and me in my underwear.

The kisses never seemed to end, not that I could complain. There never seemed to be a good time to stop, so we didn't. We continued to kiss until the tension building up in both of us was too much to bear. I was already soaked through my underwear and I had felt Ardeth's bulge rub against my thigh many times already. He removed his pants and moved onto the bed, hovering over me. He kissed down my body, knowing every spot to take his time on.

He sucked harshly on some places, leaving multiple red and purple marks on my skin. "Mine." He would whisper. He slipped my underwear down my thighs once his lips had made it to my centre.

He kissed at me hungrily, seeming as if he couldn't get enough. I moaned at the feeling. He stimulated me with his tongue with such desire. His fingers dug into my inner thigh and his arms were wrapped around my thigh completely. He made sure I couldn't close my legs together from too much pleasure, he needed full access to me right now.

Ardeth's tongue worked in ways that made my insides go crazy. He drew circles on my clit with his tongue. His tongue would leave my clit to tease my entrance. My back arched and my fingers gripped his hair while he pleasured me.

I finally finally finally came after a long time of teasing. My legs shook and I moaned Ardeth's name. My hands clenched the sheets because I could barely take the pleasure. I sat up to kiss Ardeth then flipped us over to where I was now hovering over him.

"My turn now, my lord," I smirked. I kissed him, longing for the feeling of his lips on mine once again, just for a few moments. I moved down his body teasingly. I wanted to make him as anxious for pleasure as I had been. I took his underwear off and laid between Ardeth's legs to be able to look up at him.

I licked up the underside of his dick, all while making eye contact with him. My tongue swirled around the top multiple times, tasting all the pre-cum that had already been released. I slipped his shaft into my mouth and began bobbing my head up and down. My cheeks hollowed as my head continued to move. I could feel him hitting the back of my throat.

I swirled my tongue around his dick and he seemed to enjoy it. I used my hands for what I couldn't fit in my mouth.

Ardeth writhed underneath me. Grunts and groans left his mouth and his body clenched up. I stared up at him. His biceps were flexed and his head was thrown back from being in a euphoric state. A beautiful sight.

"Shit. Fuck, princess, you're going to have to stop. I don't know how much longer I can last with you doing that. I want to save that for when we fuck." He groaned. I let his dick fall out of my mouth slowly. I moved up over him again. My lips brushed against his at the same time I sat on his lap.

He flipped me over. His fingers lingered over my thighs. He then gripped onto them hard while he kissed me, moving me to the edge of the mattress. I knew the sex would be even better like this and Ardeth must have thought so too.

He lined himself up at my entrance. His hands gripped onto my hips as he let himself go inside me. I now felt a feeling of fullness. Ardeth and I both watched as his length started to move in and out of me. His hands now moved underneath my legs, pulling them farther apart than they already were.

My body was now completely on display for Ardeth, and boy did he look. He took in every single detail he could. His eyes wandered over my body. He watched as my breasts bounced lightly from his slow thrusts. Ardeth's mouth hung open slightly after hearing me moan out his name.

I took in the enticing sight of my husband. His hips rolled at a smooth pace. Different muscles in his arms were flexed as he would grip onto my thighs harder. Moans flowed out of his mouth almost as beautifully as lyrics did.

I watched as his eyes flickered down to see my walls gripping onto his shaft. I arched my back out of pure bliss. Ardeth moved down, pressing his burning skin against mine. His arms snaked underneath my back as he pounded into me at a new angle now.

"Ardeth," I moaned out incoherently, "I lo- I love you."

"I love you too." he moaned back. His mouth poured hot air out onto my breasts. The feeling of him thrusting into me was all I could focus on. It seemed as if the rest of the world didn't exist at this very moment. His dick filled me up each time, he bottomed out every time he thrust in. The head rubbed against my g-spot nearly every time. When he thrust out, I felt empty. Only momentarily, however.

He was so big that I knew I would be sore before the night was over. Moans still escaped both of our lips. I was unaware of the fact that I was so close to orgasm. Ardeth seemed to be close as well, his thrusts had gotten sloppier and the pace was now faster.

I clenched around him, trying to make myself feel tighter to bring him even closer to climax. With two more thrusts, Ardeth made me come undone. For the first time ever, we came at almost exactly the same time. He did only moments after I.

My skin was sweltering. It was so hot in the room from a completely raw passion. I moaned softly as I came down from my high. Ardeth kept thrusting, I could barely take it anymore. I was more sensitive than I had ever felt. He kissed me softly as he removed himself from me, leaving me filled with his cum.

Our night went on amazing, Ardeth decided three times was enough for now as I was barely conscious but was in bliss. He rolled me over him so I was resting under his neck, our limbs intervened as they fell into a peaceful sleep basking in the afterglow.

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