Chapter - 17

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They arrived back to the tribe, Jasmine riding with Ardeth since they were not enough horses and camels for everyone, also because Ardeth rather keeps a close eye on her. This girl has caused him to worry enough and now that she is here, he intends to keep her close to him forever. Back at the tribe, everyone was celebrating their victory and were just very happy to see their warriors home alive. The ones who were injured were being taken care of in the medical tents. Ardeth had some work to attend to before they could leave for their home.

Jasmine, surprisingly, had never been to Ardeth's home, yes, she had been with his tribe while they were at the desert but never been to his home. He was supposed to but something would always come up. She got in contact with her brother who was currently staying in Ciao waiting for her to catch up. They would be leaving as soon as Ardeth's work is done. Ardeth had been awfully quiet and busy past few days. When she asked him, he simply said; There are some things that need to be done and he has to prepare for something but wouldn't say what. Jasmine simply shrugged it out, not giving it much of a thought. He was the chieftain of all medjai tribes.

She had been helping in managing around the tribe, settling disputes and the stuff. By the time it was time to go till was late afternoon so they would reach there around...late evening-ish? Jasmine thought to herself shrugging as she decided to meet her brother and everyone a day later. She wanted to get something for them and wanted to have a whole day with them before they leave. She packed her stuff and bid farewell to the people she had been spending time with and they were off to Ciao. Ardeth has a few medjais with them just in case, he did request her to ride with him which she accepted knowing it would be for the best and also why would she miss the chance of having him close? She walked beside Ardeth as they walked towards his horse, Jasmine skipped to Ardeth's horse, happy to see the beautiful creature and finally getting a chance to meeting him. She smiled as she caressed his mare, "He's beautiful" She smiled at Ardeth.

He couldn't help the grin that crept up to his face, he was proud of his horse as he has been with him for a long time and they have formed a bond that he would not leave Ardeth's side even if he doesn't hold on to the reins. He held Jasmine from her waist as he lifted her up and onto the horse, followed by climbing up to the horse as well. He held the reins tightly in one hand with other he held Jasmine near him and she leaned against him knowing it's going to be a long journey or at least it's going to feel like one because travelling always makes her tired.

Ardeth made sure that she was not hit by the sun as he used himself to shield her and gave shade. Jasmine looked up at him and gave him a small smile as her cheeks were dusted with a blush. She looked back ahead of them to see only sand and well, sand for as far as she could see. Well, she was in the desert, after all, she thought to herself. She decided to make the best of this trip and took a nap, which turned into a full sleep since Ardeth was too nice to wake her up as she asked him to.

Ardeth was enjoying her leaning against him as she slept, she looked so peaceful and after everything, they have gone through the past couple of days, they both deserved a good long sleep and Ardeth is definitely getting his sleep once he gets home.  He has settled the affairs for the tribe, everything should be okay for a month or two and he finally gets to spend his time with his lovely lady. He finally gets to show her his home, she has already seen his tribe and when she had come to his home they both were very young. He had already sent a messenger there to clean and prepare the house. He looked down at Jasmine again to see still sleeping soundly while drooling on him he chuckled at the sight, she is going to be so embarrassed when she wakes up.

Ardeth remembers the first time he saw her way with her father when they had come to visit them and how she was hiding behind her father slowly peeping from behind him to see him but when he smiled at her she would hide again. It took her time to be friends with him but once they were, they were practically inseparable. She would even train with him when it was his training time.

And he still remembers the time he saw her in the city of death, She was stupidly brave when she stood in front of her brother protecting him. It was not hard to recognize her, she looked the same as she used to just older. But it was the look in her eyes that gave it away, she is the only one who looks at him and her eyes lights up, it actually sparkles if that's possible.  Ardeth leaned down a kissed her head and she held onto him.

Ardeth's mind went to the box that was still there in his robes but he couldn't think of a perfect moment for it. And he has to talk to someone before he could start his plan. He looked ahead at the city that was far in the horizon, he could see it and they all decided to speed up a little wanting to get there as soon as possible


A/n: Sorry guys for not updating for so long! But there will be regular updates for this book since it's almost near the end. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I might have a surprise for you guys...but that will be revealed at the end of the book.

Take care people and stay safe.

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