2009 -
Fury has had me undercover as Natalie Rushman, I had done some modeling and went to college for two years to build my fake resume.
Now I'm assigned to the famous Tony Stark who is also Iron Man. But of course he can't know about me being apart of Shield. Nick wants me spying on him.
I walk behind Pepper Potts with some paperwork into Tony's gym. "The notary's here! Can you please come sign the transfer paperwork?" Pepper asks.
"I'm on happy time."
I smile as Tony and another man start arguing. "I promise you this is the only time I will ask you to sign over your company." Pepper says as Tony turns to look at me with wide eyes. I hide my smile as his eyes scan down my body.
"I need you to initial each box." I open my file. As pepper initials, I watch as Tony pushes the other man back.
"What's your name, lady?" Tony points at me.
"Rushman. Natalie Rushman." I smile.
"Front and centre. Come into the church." He points.
Pepper sighs, "No. You're seriously not gonna ask..."
"If it pleases the court, which it does." Tony nods.
"It's no problem." I smile.
"I'm sorry. He's very eccentric."
I step into the boxing ring and stare at Tony, He takes a drink as I slightly smile. "What?" He looks down with a smile then back at the man. "Can you give her a lesson?"
"No problem." The man nods. "I'm Happy. You ever boxed before?"
"I have, yes." I put my hands on my hips.
"What, like, the Tae Bo? Booty Boot Camp? Crunch? Something like that?"
I clear my throat. "How do I spell your name, Natalie?" Tony asks.
I turn to look at Tony. "R-U-S-H-M-A-N."
As Haopy keeps talking, I couldn't help but look back at Tony, noticing he was researching me. "Rule number one, never take your eye off your opponent."
As Happy moves his hand closer to my face, I grab it and twist it, flipping up and locking my legs around his throat as I yank him down to the ground.
"Oh, my God! Happy!" Pepper yells as I hold him between my legs.
I chuckle and let him go, standing up. "That's what I'm talking about." Tony smiles.
"I just slipped." Happy says as I step out of the ring.
"You did?"
"Yeah." Happy nods.
"Looks like a TKO to me." Tony rings the bell.
I grab my file and open it, "Just... I need your impression."
"You have a quiet reserve. I don't know, you have an old soul."
"I meant your fingerprint." I smirk.
"Right he nods.
"So, how are we doing?" Pepper steps up between us.
"Great. Just wrapping up. Hey. You're the boss."
I close the file and smile up at Tony. "Will that be all, Mr Stark?"
"Yes, that will be all, Miss Rushman." Pepper smiles.
A few days later I was then hired as his assistant, Nick was very pleased on how I was doing. I fly to Monaco and prepare for Tony to get here.
I look up from my spot in the restaurant to see him and Pepper walk in. I quickly get up and walk over to them. "Mr Stark?" I smile.
"Hey." He smirks.
"Hello. How was your flight?"
"It was excellent. Boy, it's nice to see you." He looks me up and down. I couldn't help but feel butterflies by the way he was looking at me.
"We have one photographer from the ACM, if you don't mind." I turn to see him approaching us. I take the drinks form their hands and give it back to the waiter. "Okay?"
"Thank you very much."
I step aside as they take a photo and bicker back and forth. "Right this way." I nod.
Tony steps up next to me. "You look fantastic."
"Why, thank you very much." I smile.
"But that's unprofessional."
"Not at all, Mr. Stark." I nod.
"What's on the docket?"
"You have a 9:30 dinner." I nod.
"Perfect. I'll be there at 11:00."
"Absolutely." I chuckle.
"Is this us?" He points to a table.
"It can be." I nod.
"Great. Make it us."
"Okay." I nod as the waiter steps up to me. "Mr. Stark would like this table.
"Oh...I Uh already have a reservation at this table."
"Mr. Stark really wants this table...can't we just make this happen." I point, batting my eyelashes.
"Right away." He smiles and walks off.
I walk over to Tony as he sits with Justin Hammer. "Mr. Stark?"
"Your corner table is ready." I nod.
"Perfect...is there a bathroom here?" He stands and looks around.
"Right this was." I lead him through the crowed of people. I step aside and smile as he opens the door, going back towards the table.
I step aside for ten minutes to talk to some reporters when Pepper yells. "Natalie. Natalie!"
"Yes, Miss Potts?" I ask.
"Did you know about this?" She points to the TV where Tony was going to be driving in the race.
"This is the first that I have known of it." I nod.
"This... This cannot happen."
"Absolutely. I understand. How can I help you?" I ask.
"Where's Happy?"
"He's waiting outside." I nod.
"Okay, get him. I need Happy."
"Right away." I turn and rush through the crowed. I start to run as I make it outside. "Happy, Miss Potts needs you immediately."
He grabs a case and rushes past me. I walk back inside to see a man standing on the track with some sort of contraption on his chest and whipping at cars.
I step back outside as Pepper and Happy drive off, pulling out my phone. "Sir, we have a situation here. I think a man is going to attack Stark. Should I step in?"
"No, don't blow your cover. Stark can handle it." Nick says.
"Yes, Sir."

Double Agent (Fem Reader X Tony Stark)
FanfictionThis story was requested by @UrsulaSingh Y/N Romanoff is the biological little sister of Natasha Romanoff. When you were just two years old you and your sister were put with a fake undercover family. But you didn't know that it was fake. When you w...