Chapter 37 - Bridge

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Nat and I had fooled Ross, ditching our gear and escaping to Norway. She had a friend...Rick who set us up with a trailer and was getting us some fake identities.

When we reach our trailer, we both pull out our guns and slowly open the door. Nat walks into the back room first, she lowers her gun and waves for me to come in. I look down and shake my head to see Rick was sleeping.

Nat pushes his foot off the bed, causing him to wake up. "You're in my bed."

"I'm... I'm not even under the covers." He stands and follows us out.

"Did you get everything on our list?" Nat asks.

"Got passports, entry visas, a couple of local driver's licenses. Mix and match, you should be able to stretch it to 20 or so identities each."

"Fanny Longbottom?" Nat asks.


"What, are you 12?" I laugh.

He laughs, "That is a legitimate name. We've got a generator outside. It's petrol-powered. And the septic tank will need a flush in a couple of weeks, but, you know, I've got a guy coming for that. You have to haul your rubbish into town. It's just a 20-minute drive. I've got your basic hardware kit stashed under the stairs."

"Nice." Nat nods.

"Are you okay?" He frowns.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She tilts her head.

"I hear things. You know, something about the Avengers getting divorced..."

"Ugh. It's fine. We're actually better on our own." Nat says as I hand her a beer.

"Are you sure? Because you can tell me, you know. That's the way the whole friends thing works."

"I know. I have friends." Nat smiles. I smile and sit down on the couch, watching them flirt.

"People who have friends don't call me."

"And we don't pay you to worry." Nat says, walking him to the door. She looks down to a box, "Oh, hey. What's all this junk?"

"Oh, just some mail and personals from the Budapest safe house."

"Budapest?" Nat asks.

"Yeah. Budapest."

"No, it's Budapest." She shakes her head.

"Budapest. Budapest."

"It's Budapest." She says.

"Whatever. I knew you weren't going back there, so I've got someone else in the flat now."

"Sorry you went through the trouble. I would've told you to chuck it." She smiles.

"Well, if you don't want it, throw it in the rubbish."

I watch as she picks up the box, "He's cute. You should go for it."

"What?" She turns.

"You like him." I nod.

"No I don't."

"So you both weren't flirting just now? All the looks and smiles." I point.

"It's called being nice. You should try it sometime." She walks out.

"I'm nicer than you, bitch!" I yell.

Later that night Nat sits and watches Netflix on her laptop as she eats, I look down at two boxes of blonde hair dye. "When are you gonna let me dye your hair?" I ask.

"Tomorrow....I got a box for you if you want it."

"Maybe." I smile. Stand at the sink and stare outside, I kept thinking about Tony. Has he seen me just as a double agent all this I was faking everything about us. It broke my heart. Suddenly the power shuts off, "God dammit."

"I got it." She stands and pulls on her coat, slamming the door as she walks outside.

I pull on my coat and and walk outside. "Can you fix it?"

"Needs gas...coming with?" She walks over towards the car.

"Sure...we need more beer." I smile.

Nat and I stayed silent as we drove, we stop at a bridge and turn left. Suddenly something is shot onto my side of the car, sending us rolling across the bridge. I gasp in pain as I look up to see the front part of our car was hanging off the bridge. I hold onto my side and gasp for air, reaching over and shaking Nat awake.

"Fuck...." She groans. "Your bleeding." She reaches up and touches my head.

"We have to go....guns." I crawl to the back seat. She slowly follows me and I hand her a gun. "I'm pretty sure Ross has no jurisdiction here!" I yell.

"You should know I'm a better shot when I'm pissed off." Nat aims out at the masked man. We fall back as he hurls a metal shield into the window.

I hop out of the car and help Nat out, looking around to see the man was gone. "Nat...." I whisper, turning to see the man was on the roof of the car. He flips off, Nat and I shoot at him. The man kick a my gun off and punches Nat to the ground.

I flip up onto his shoulders and swing him down to the ground, the man flips onto my shoulders and does the exact same thing. I sit up and tilt my head as he mimics me, then he looks back at the car. "He's not here for us." Nat says, taking out her knife.

I run up to him and kick his back, back flipping as he tries to punch me. He grabs my hair and kicks my side, throwing me off the bridge and into the water. 

I gasp as I swim through the frozen water, looking back as Nat drops in behind me. "Nat!" I scream, gasping in pain as I touch my side. Nat swims up to me and drags me out of the water. "I think my ribs are broken." I look over at her as she pulls out red glowing vials. "What the hell is that?"

"Shit...." She looks away.

I lean over to see a picture of Nat, Yelena, and I from when we were little. " is this here?"

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