Chapter 4

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     I frowned at my screen when one of the telephone on the table rang. Holy shit! How is it? I lifted the receiver. "Hello?" No one answered. "Hello?" I ask again. "Hello? Hey what can i do for you?" "Hello?" What the--- what the heck was i doing wrong?

     I pressed something, Actually i pressed three buttons then I heard the dial tone. Shit! Well, if that's important, that will call again. Which of course, the person did, damn it! The telephone keep on ringing. What if I pretend I'm in cr?

     "Aren't you going to get that?" An annoyed voice asked and I looked back at jennie. She was standing behind me, her hands on her hips. "Ah......" I stuttered.

     She approached me, lifted the receiver as I did and pressed a button with a mint green post it.

     "Jennie Kim.... no, I'm at my new assistant desk... yes... yes." She answered. She pushed me aside and I got up from my seat. She clicked on something, then on something again until the calendar program open. "I can spare 30mins. at 2PM today. Yes. Not a problem. Thank you." She said to the person on the phone.

     She typed on the screen, saved whatever was written there before standing up again. She is smaller than I thought. Her forehead was right in my mouth. Maybe it's because her legs seem to be long so I thought she was taller than me.

     "You do know how to use a phone. Don't you?" Her question was challenging. Sge didn't even say it, but I thought I heard an "idiot" at the end, or maybe it's just me. But it got on my nerves. How was it that a single woman could arouse me and irritate me? And at the same damn time? "Yes, i am not ignorant." I lied. She folded her arms. "An Avaya?" She asked. "Every call center agent can use an avaya, Miss Kim,"

     I said irritably before sitting back in my chair, I turned my back on her. Does she know that I have never been a call center agent and just yesterday I heard the word avaya?

     She let out another soft sigh and I felt she return to her office. Annoyed, i opened the browser and researched the various functions of the stupid buttons of this phone.

     The next time it rang, I answered, talked to whoever was on the other line and -HA- I was able to transfer the call to miss grumpy in her office. She thought i can't handle this? 😋

     I was messing with the company’s shared files, I was unpacking the folders one by one when suddenly the door of jennie’s office opened and a snarling dragon came out.

     "What was that for?!" To my surprise I pressed something. "What did i do this time?" I ask, Actually, I asked myself and not her because I suddenly saw that some files was transferring from the other folder I clicked. But jennie thought she was the one i'm asking.

     "1st, you do NOT cold transfer calls to me. You call me and ask if I can talk to that person, then you transfer the call if i tell you to. Next, you do not ever entertain any and calls from Kim Hanbin, do you understand?"

     She sounded so pissed off. But that's not my problem right now.  "Are you even listening to me?" She asked in an irritated voice. "Not really." I said. "Why you-----" I turned to her. "Can we talk about that later. Because.... I think just deleted 30 gigabytes worth of company data." I said trembling.

      "WHAT?" She asked angrily.


     This scenario is familiar, me sitting on the sofa outside the office while there are yelling inside. I think I was kinder when I first went to the principal's office because I kissed a girl on the playground.

     20 years later, same scenario, semi-same players. Like when i was just a kid, Uncle seo joon is the one who's talking to my boss.

    "It's okay now, sir." The man who was fixing my computer said with a smile and I looked at him. He introduced himself as bobby who is said to be one of the company's IT specialists.I was shocked at jennie when she called IT and not security to escort me out of the building.

    "Next time, let's not just press delete." He said jokingly. I laughed and stood up to accept the clip board he handed me. "Thanks bobby." I signed the section of the service request form to note that the ticket was closed.

      I sat back in my seat and stared at the screen. I think I'm scared to touch my mouse. Son of a bitch. It's not lunch hour yet. But either jennie wants to kill me or she wants to commit suicide.

     I stood up again when the door opened. My boss came out but she didn't look at me when she walked away. Uncle seo joon stayed at the door of my boss's office.

     "Looks familiar, eh," i said while chuckling. If I have a relative that I can say I really love, it's uncle seo joon. So when I noticed the tired look on his face. I felt a little pain. Just a little. "Yeah, it does. Come here inside." I went inside jennie's office and uncle let me sat on the sofa.

     "Am i fired yet?" I asked uncle with a sad face. "Oh, no. No." He said while sitting on the other sofa. "Jennie is a very kind woman, I didn't tell her why but i told her that i'm going to consider it a personal favor if she lets you work here, even if just a month." He face-palm his face. "Lisa, listen to me. You know why we are here. You need this job if you want to prove to your father that you can be a responsible person." I stand.

     "Uncle, we both know that even i became the CEO of this company, He can still see something missing from me." I started walking back ang forth, restless. "Even if i became the president of this country, He won't be satisfied either, so what for I make an effort, uncle?"

     "Then, for you. Don't do this for your father. Do it for yourself." He said calmly. I didn't answer for a moment before I went back to the sofa. "Lisa, everything I do and say, it's not for your dad. I couldn't care less about what he thinks but you, you're important to me." I looked at uncle. "Anyway, that's it. I managed to convince Jennie to keep you for at least a month. She's apprehensive but she trusts me that I will never sabotage her company." He explained to me.

     "I bet she changed her mind about trusting you when you put me here," I said smiling and uncle laugh again. "She said something like that, yes. But she's keeping you. She's not very happy about it, but she's going to let you stay. After a month, if she is not satisfied - - -" Or if I have already brought down the company... "I'll move you somewhere else. We'll get you a 6 months job and ensure that youget your inheritance." He said. "Why are you so kind to me, uncle?" I asked, not for the first time. "For as long as i remember you didn't got angry with me no matter how much I have sinned. You are always there. Convince me that I’m better than what people think I am. Hell better than what I think i am." Uncle smiled at me. "Because I see myself in you, I was exactly like you when I was young, But i'm just more handsome." He said while laughing.

     "You wish, uncle." I said teasingly. He shake his head. "Look, Lisa. You are better than what people think you are, even better than what you yourself think. You just have to believe it yourself. Considering that you have a hard headed and you are proud of that." I laughed. He smiled and patted my shoulder. "Give yourself a chance Lisa. Forget everything you've ever been told about you and figure out for yourself who you really are." I watched him. "Admit it, uncle," I said with a serious face. "I am your child, right?" And as he always does when I ask that, he laughs out loud. "I really wish you were my child, lisa." To be honest, I did wish too.

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