Chapter 16

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The next day, that's what I'm still thinking of. I told you i didn't sleep, thinking about my future.

I just went to office early than my usual office hour, i'm afraid i'll get back to my usual routine, woke up late like before, no future thinking.

I got startled and almost fell in my chair when someone patted my shoulder. Jennie is standing at my back, laughing. I stood up while scratching the back of my head.

"You startled me, Jen.... Ma'am." we are here in the office, i almost forgot to called her ma'am.

"Sorry." she said still laughing.
"Why you so early, I told you that you can come here after lunch?" she continue.

"I have nothing to do in kai's condo. Shit! I thought you will come to office late, i didn't brought you your coffee, sorry?" I apologized.

"It's okay. It's already afternoon though." she said and i followed her in her office.

"How about you? Why you so early today, i thought you'll be late." i asked her. She sat on her desk and turn on her computer

"I have also nothing to do in our house either. I'm already reading emails when i realized i don't bring works in our house." she turned to me again and ask...
"Is there new in the calendar?"

I just shake my head.
"Still the 2:30 meeting, and a 4PM."

She nod and swipe at her tablet.
"It's still 8:30. Did you already ate breakfast?"

"Just coffee. Earlier at the house. Do you... Want... To eat breakfast with me?" i got shocked at my invitation, i didn't know why i invited her, i know she's my boss and we're here in the office, but why? Stupid me.

Maybe she don't want her employees see us together outside the office, but i got more shocked when she nod and agreed.

"Let's eat pancake?" she said with hopeful stare, complete with puppy dog eye.

"I want to eat pancakes." she told me again.

"Okay!" i said happily.
"Yay!" she said before locking her computer and get her bag. She waited me also to lock mu computer before going to the elevator.

We bumped at minho. Is this asshole don't have work?

"Minho!" Jennie exclaimed. She looks happy seeing this moron.

"Jennie," the moron said while his eyebrow crossed.

"Where are you going?" he asked.
Us, actually. Where are we going. You asshole.

Jennie glance at me. For a moment there i thought she will deny that i'm with her.

"Lisa and I will eat at pancake house. We want to eat breakfast there." Jennie said to him.

"Oh okay, i didn't ate breakfast too. I'll go with you." minho answered jennie

Wow! Are you invited?

But i can't do anything specially jennie agreed to him.. Happily.

If ever minho has a choice, he will push the close button so that i can't enter in the elevator.

I stood at the back of jennie, i feel out of place when they talked about the party last night.
I admit almost all the visitors asked jennie about minho, they know him unlike me.

Patience, Lisa. All things come to those who grit their teeth.

"How i miss the cooked of aunty (jennie's mom)," minho says.

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