Chapter 41

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When Kai and I got to Tiffany $ Co., my hands got even colder. Kai turned to me and that's the time I noticed that I'd stopped walking. I took a deep breath and nodded at him.

He's so supportive. He just laughed before heading towards the display cases. I followed, my eyes widening, turning as if the contents of the display cases were going to touch me on both sides.

Okay, I will not look at them one by one. When something caught my attention. Then that's it. But if not, then not. Not meant... to be, I end in my mind when something caught my eyes.

Kai was already talking to one of the staff but I didn't approach them but instead I went near to the display case that contained a silver ring with a round diamond that glowed under the light that hit it.

I felt that Kai approached me. I looked at him before I glanced at the lady that followed him.

"Ah, can... can I see... that one?" I can't complete a sentences.

The lady's smile widened before she open the display case. She described the ring, the band is platinum, and it has a matching wedding ring that Jennie can wear with an engagement ring.

I'm just looking at the ring. Maybe the lady was scared that I might suddenly grab it and run because I was staring at the ring intently.

"What size is that?" I asked. I know Jennie's ring size. If this ring will fit to her , then this is it. This the sign.

When she told me the ring size, it's done. That's it.

There are other rings. There are three stones, there is a ring surrounded by diamonds, there is yellow gold, there is rose gold, there is cheaper, there is more expensive. But the first ring was the only ring I really liked. It's just simple and it has only one stone but it really the one shouting, "I'm the one for Jennie!"

I glanced at Kai. He smirked and nodded. I turned to the lady and handed her the ring, I'm excited, happy, at the same time scared and nauseous.

"This is really is it, Ma'am. Final answer." I said to the lady. She laughed and happily nod.

I snatched my wallet from my pocket, I took my black credit card. This is the first time that it will use in such a large transaction but it was worth it. Especially when I see Jennie wearing that ring, it will be worth it. The lady made us sit first while processing the payment and she filled me out with a card.

Less than ten minutes our transaction is done. Kai and I are looking for a restaurant while I'm carrying the paper bag containing the dreams and promises I want to give to Jennie.

When we sat down, Kai ordered. I just told him to take care of what I ate.

"Hey!" Kai said when the waiter leave because he noticed that I stared at the paper bag of Tiffany. I laughed softly, embarrassed.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said as I pressed my palm on my stomach that still hurts. He laughed while shaking his head.

"You don't do anything half-way, do you? Now that you are serious about life, you became too much serious." He said.

"Yeah, you're right." I looked at the paper bag again. Kai just messed up my hair like a kid.

"Hey!" Said a woman's voice, Kai and I looked at the woman that greeted us at the same time.

"Nancy!" I greeted her, my voice was happy. Not that I was happy to see her, but where not enemy so why would I snob her? The one I want to ignore is the guy who's at her back, He just looked at me badly and passed our table to go to a booth in the back.

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