Chapter 27

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Exactly 2pm, Jennie and I  almost ran going outside out of the office because of the excitement for our weekend vacation.

Because her schedule is full, we didn't get a chance to eat our lunch, that's why we drive thru at the nearest McDonald's to have lunch.

Jennie feed me while I'm driving because according to my beautiful girlfriend...

"Let me, you are driving." Jennie said while smiling.
She also eat while feeding me.

"What time arw we gonna get there?" She ask when she finish wiping the side of my lips.

"Hmmm, before 6pm." I answered her.

I sip at the coke when she lifted it on my mouth. Man, I can get used to this.

We talked random things while our background music is The Script. We just talk about what we like and what we don't, because she got worried that she will do ramdom things that I don't like when we finally live in together.

She said, she didn't want to turn me off. In myself, whatever she will do, there's no turn off, turn off to me. I love her so much.

"We are almost there. I can already see Aunt Dara resort." I told her.

Jennie followed with a look as we passed  resort.From the highway, we can overlooked the slides. Looks like it's full because the parking area has no space.

I stopped my car at the front of higher wrought iron gate and I blew the horn. I smiled when I saw the man who's running to open the gate.

"Wow!" Jennie said amazingly when she saw the house.

It's a bongalow that has a modern design and has a flat roof. You can hang out at the rooftop, it has a chairs there. 

On the other side, we have a garden and we have pool at the back. The inside of the house has a minimalist design. The rooms are in the right side at the kitchen and the living room is in the left side.

The pool at the back has a jacuzzi.

"I want like this." Jennie said that has a big smile at me.

I moved closer to her, i back hugged her and put my chin on her shoulder.

"Well, it's your today, for 3 days." I said.
She turned to me, cupped my face and kissed me.

"I love it," she said
"I love you." She continues.

I closed my eyes, i felt a lot of butterflies in my stomach. Everytime she said I-LOVE-YOU to me, i need to stop and thank god. You know? why because he loves me. He gave me Jennie.

"Ehem." I opened my one eye and sighed. I totally opened my both eyes and we faced Mr. Jang (the caretaker of these resort). He has a big smile at us.

"I'm going now, Ma'am Lisa. If you need anything, just call me." Mr. Jang said while smiling.

"Ah, okay. Thank you Mr. Jang."
"I left the key at the table in the living room." He said and looked at Jennie.
"Goodnight, ma'am. Enjoy your stay." He said to jennie and my girlfriend laugh.

"Thank you Mr. Jang." Jennie reply to Mr

We entered again the house explore. Jennie laughed at the state-of-the-art kitchen that looks like a cooking show.

When we roam where the rooms are, I saw that Mr.jang put our bags in one room, and it's in the masters bedroom.

Our duffel bags are placed in carpeted floor. Seems like my girlfriend didn't notice it, so that I will not mention it.

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