Chapter 23

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I'm stopping myself. I'm really stopping myself to smile. But seems like there's a string pulling up in my lips while I'm driving back at gangnam.

"You're smiling again," Jennie teased me while she's sitting beside me in the passenger seat.

"You, too." i said and glanced at her, I laughed hard when I saw that she is more smiling wide than me.

"I'm happy, you know." she giggled.

I stopped at a red light and reached her hand. I bought it to my lips to kiss her fingers before I returned it to her lap.

"I love you," I said.

It's not obvious that I am so happy because I can tell her that anytime I want, anywhere I want.

She wrinkled her nose then smiled at me sweetly.

"I love you, too," she answered.

"Can you sleepover at the house later?" I asked and she raised her brow at me.

"What?" I asked again. She blinked.

"You're asking me to sleep at your condo tonight?" she asked again want to clear if I really invited her to sleep at our condo.

I shrugged and drove again when the light turns green.

"Oppah kai will not be around tonight. So we have the place to ourselves." I glanced at her again and winked. She laughed.

"I'm not sleeping with you tonight, Lisa," she stated plainly.

"Tonight. So it means, you can tomorrow night." I joked.

"Lisa!" she said laughing.

"What?" i asked again also laughing. She playfully punch my arms.

"Seriously, I just want you to stay the night. I'm not going to force you to do nothing." i turned to her while I said that.

"I'll wait for the time that you are the who will seduce me." I joked. Jennie made a face.

"As if I need to seduce you," she told me smugly.

"True. Just by your smile I feel so aroused already." I didn't deny that and she pinch my arms.

"C'mon," i insist while matching puppy dog eyes.

"I just want to be with you today---- all day, all night if you let me. We won't do anything you don't want to, I promise." I assured her.

"I'm just...." she started before inhaling. She reached for may hand.

"I love you, Lisa," she silently said.
"And I do want to sleep with you but you know this is my first time." she shyly stated.

You have no idea how I loved hearing that. I feel more excited and nervous.

"It's my first time to become a girlfriend. And it's my first time you know, with you. I want to be ready for it. You know.... Emotionally." she said stuttering and shy.

I know her. I've known her for 20 days; I've known her forever. And she is not Jennie, the Jennie I love, if she didn't have to think of this matter.

" Give me time, okay? "she asked.

I glanced at her, i smiled, and squeeze her hand.

"I can wait. You don't know how long I've waited, for you to say you love me. I can wait for this." i told her.

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