Chapter 12

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We took a cab, going to my father's house. When we are in front of our gate i looked up at the CCTV camera, i waved and smiled. Minutes later dahyun opened the gate for us, she's the youngest maid in the house.

"Lisa unnie!" she greeted before she let us come in.

"Hi, Dahyun! Where is dad?" I asked her.

"At the garden, he's having his breakfast. Good morning ma'am." she said and greeted Jennie. "Hi!" Jennie reply.

We enter the house and went straight at the back, where the garden is.

"Do we have a plan of how can we convince him?" Jennie asked whispering while we walked at the garden.

"I was thinking, I'll hit him with the serving plate and when he is already unconscious, thats when we get my car," I answered whispering too. She rolled her eyes.

"Ugh, okay don't interrupt. I'll take care of it." she said. As expected, there's a breakfast platter on the table, while my dad is reading a newspaper.

I faked a cough and he looked up at me. I am waiting that he will shout at me because i know he's still mad because of his audi.

Why there are people who are good at instilling anger. Didn't they know that it has a bad effect to there heart? And just because of the audi R8, dad! You will abandon your most pretty handsome child? Oh c'mon dad.

He wrinkled his nose as if he smelled something bad. I know its not me and specially not Jennie, maybe his own smell. I grinned at him.

"Good morning, dad!" he was just about to snarl at me when he notice that jennie is with me. That was when Dong wook manoban quickly got to his feet.

"Good morning, Mr. Manoban," my boss greeted him. She even stepped forward to shake hands my shocked father.

"I'm Jennie Kim, Lisa's friend."
Even though i got cringed at the word "friend" because i don't want to be friendzone like her, it's fine with me instead when she said she's my boss. Friend is more personal than the word boss.

"Of course! I know you," my father said while still shaking hands with jennie.

Of course, you do, dad! You know all the millionaires lists of Fobres Magazine around the world, just like how dahyun know all about kpop artists.

"Please have a seat." he said to us or should i say to jennie.

"Let's have a breakfast first. Dahyun can you get another plates and other utensils." Dahyun nod and leave immediately to get the things my father ask.

"We won't take long, sir." Jennie said although she was clearly in her element. Of course, they were talking. Businessman to businesswoman. I'm the only one who's worthless here.

"I insist," my father said.
"Thank you, sir. We'd love to." she said. we would?

Jennie glanced at me, I told you i can read jennie's mind and according to her expression, she was telling me: Don't interrupt, Don't talk in 5 minutes if you want to get out of here with your car.

I also sat down next to her, and smiled to say that i understand what was she thinking.

"So, what brings you here, hija?" Dad asked.
I was the one who bring her here, dad. I got hurt when you qualified me as 'what' and not 'who'.

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