Chapter 11 : The Hurt

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Oh Yoonhee's Pov:

Feeling alone once again, this bed and the apartment...lost it's warmth. Suryeons smell was gone and this time I don't think it'll be back anytime soon. Thinking of the woman and how we ended, three weeks have passed but I haven't seen the latter anywhere. I haven't checked the penthouse but I know she doesn't spend much time there.

Looking at the box of cigarettes in front of me, looking at the vase with the now dead rose's it brought a tear to my eye. I ruined things, but at the time I found it difficult to make a judgement call. If I could turn back the time....i probably wouldn't push her away like that. I'm an absolute jerk and I do not deserve Suryeons love, not after that.

Grabbing the packet of cigarettes I put on the sunglasses and headed down to the lobby to meet Kang Mari downstairs, she has been begging me to cheer up and own up to my shitty choices in life. She is right, I should accept what i done wrong.

Standing in the lift my heart always pounded a bit harder when I looked at the golden button with 'P' on it. Tracing the outside of it I took a deep breath and decided to try and move on, I can't put her in danger even if it means she will hate me.

Spacing out, I didnt realise how fast the time passes In the lift. I heard a *ding* and it was a sign for me to get off, walking out I took a moment to fix myself up before taking a step out to the world. " You can do this, Oh Yoonhee" these days I tend to encourage myself to keep going, it soothes me a little. Right deep breath, and let's get on with the day.

Taking a step out of the lift, the scent of HER hit my nose immediately. Looking to the right, I saw her stand less than 2 meters away from me. Waiting for her lift, black shades on and a luxurious coat with a bag from the newest edition. She didn't even budge to look at me, I know she was aware of my presence. Where was she all this time? Why is her aura this cold? Does she still love me? Questions running through my head.

I saw one of the 4 men who were surrounding her come close to her and bow, " Where would you like the new painting to go maam". I arched a brow at the question, so she went somewhere? Where was she? I was so worried. "Put it upstairs near Seokkyungs bedroom", seeing the man nod and make way for the painting, aswell as all of her suitcases.

Packing up the lift she let the men go first, I know she doesn't really enjoy a cramped lift. I just stood there staring, waiting for something....anything. I couldn't speak, I felt so choked up at her sight.

"Can you stop staring and just get a move on?" Woah, she is so icy, ice queen. I really fucked up big time this time. I just kept staring, trying to find words to break that ice. "S-suryeon-ah..." I tried to fill the space, but she cut me off especially quick.

" Ms Oh, please restrain yourself from saying my name ever again. From now on let's just keep things professional and never cross paths again. If you have to address me in anyway, I hope you speak to me withe the respect I deserve, it will be 'Ms Shim' to you from now on. " dang. Where is this coming from. I hate it. 'Oh Yoonhee say something that will stop you from breaking down!. ' I thought. Taking a deep breath, " Suryeon-ah that won't happen.." I locked my eyes with hers. " I hope it will change in the nearest future Ms Oh." With that her lift arrived and I tried to walk closer, trying to enter her space.

" Suryeon-ah please, let's talk. I think we need to talk" I tried to grab her hand, but she yanked it away. " We had our time to talk. I'm done talking to you, don't dare invade my personal space ever again." I felt guilt grow in my body. I really hurt her this time, I'm so stupid. I watched her walk into the lift and press the penthouse floor.
She had her back turned to me. I couldn't tell if she felt anything, it's been 3 weeks. How much could have changed? She still loves me,....right?

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