Chapter 15: The Bathing Incident

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Oh Yoonhee's Pov:

Living in the penthouse with Suryeon going about her everyday life, it wasn't that bad at all. Being bed stuck was. I still couldn't fully breathe the way I use to, but atleast now I could talk. I did walk around with the help of the nurses that would come in and out of my room. Suryeon would come in and out constantly pretending to go on about her business. I saw the looks she gives me when she thinks I'm not looking, it's pretty clear we have alot to discuss but neither of us is willing to bring it up.

Awkward about the past mistakes, I shook my head sideways. It's been a week since I woke up and two weeks since the accident, today is the day I should finally be able to get a shower and wash my surgery wounds. It will also be the first time I'll see myself and take care of myself, as much as I appreciate everyone looking after me, some things just need to be done by me.

Trying to get up by myself, i tried to collect myself and my breathing. Each step felt heavy and my left ribcage still felt sore, doctors said it will take atleast five weeks for me to recover my ribs to their previous state. Lungs are a softer tissue so it recovers faster, I just have to take my medicine on time and regularly.

Taking my IV with me, I slowly made my way for the door. Taking a deeper breath before opening the door, I couldn't hear Suryeon-ah anywhere so I'm going to assume she's gone to work. Walking towards the kitchen, slightly hoping that I was wrong and the latter was indeed at home, to my disappointment she wasn't in the kitchen either. Feeling a bit weak I decided to ask a maid to make me some food. I suddenly heard noise coming from the living room, interested I made my way down to the source.

It was Suryeon, she was meditating? I think it'll be best if I don't disturb her turning my way back towards the kitchen I felt her eyes on my back.

" Yoonhee-shi are you alright?" I felt her approach me.
" I'm fine Suryeon-ah, I didn't mean to disturb you." I smiled and continued walking, I felt her take my arm and link it with hers. Giving me the support I needed, I looked at her who was now helping me get to the dining table. "Thanks Suryeon-ah, you didn't have to help me. I know you don't get much time to yourself and I feel bad interrupting it, but I am very grateful for all your attention. " I felt myself blush a little, I wasn't expecting to say that but it just came out.
"It's not a problem, I am the one who wanted to take you home early from the hospital. I signed up for helping you from the moment I realized I lo- I realized you are in danger. " What was she trying to say?

The maid arrived with my dinner and she was carrying a tray of goodies. Feeling my stomach rumbling, I grabbed my spoon and slowly dug in. " Can I have some of that" I saw Suryeon signal to her maid.
"You dont like Korean soups." I pointed out. "I guess many things have changed since we last ate together." She gave me a giggle and poured me some water. Her words did sting a little but I know she was just stating a fact.

Taking a glance at her, she was blowing at the spoon. She was always cute but watching her facial expressions, took it to another level of adorable. It still felt quite painful to blow at the spoon on my own, hoping she wouldn't notice I just ate the piping hot liquid.

"Are you ok?" I just nod at her question. She doesn't need to know I just burnt my entire mouth.
" Yoonhee you should just ask for help!" She took my spoon from me. Oh no, this is going to be another yet embarrassing situation.
"AHHH! Open that mouth Yoonhee-ah!" She was blowing at my food. The burning feeling made it's way back onto my cheeks. Why is this happening to me?
"Suryeon stop it. I can just wait for it to cool a little..." trying to find somewhere to look, avoiding the stare I just got from her.
" Suit yourself." Was she annoyed? Things went quiet for a minute.
" Are you ok?" Questioning the silence that I couldn't take any longer.
" I'm fine, I forgot how stubborn you are.." Ouch.
" Am I really that bad?" Pretending to not be aware of how stubborn I can get.
" You just need to let people take care of you sometimes. Stop being so stubborn, it does nothing for your personality" oh god, what a way to insult someone with kindness.
" Suryeon..are you mad at me? Is there something else bothering you?" She has been acting really hot and cold towards me lately.
"No, nothing is wrong." She signaled the maid and asked her for no distance during her nap later.
" If you say so." I shrugged my shoulders at her lie and continued to eat.

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