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I have been either sitting on the couch or my bed for the past two months. This bed rest has been killing me! I want to go insane ! I ran out of magazines to read, shows and movies to watch, and food to eat. Bed rest is absolutely terrible, the only thing that has kept me sane this long is that this is for the baby. Landon has been great through this process, I know I drive him nuts with calling him constantly through out the day, but I had nothing better to do. He never once complained, I think he feels responsible for what happened three months ago in the barn. He feels he is responsible because he left that day and he wasn't there to protect his wife and child. Of course I never thought that, but once Landon thought something, there was no way of changing his mind.

I was currently on the couch watching America's Next Top Model marathon on Oxygen, when my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and it was Landon

"Hello" I answered, while I continued watching the models do a photo shoot.

"Hey Darlin', how are you feeling?" Landon asked sweetly, I smiled at the phone and sighed

"I am fine, I am just annoyed with this bed rest . Why can't the baby come out already !" I yelled into the phone

"Babe. Take a deep breath. If your water doesn't break in the next day or so, the doctor is going to induce you, remember?" He talked slowly and calmly. Tears flowed down my cheeks

"What if something is wrong with the baby? What if the Preeclampsia is getting worse ! I could die Landon , the baby could be in danger! Oh my gosh, I can't breathe I can't." I gasped out, I was getting myself worked up. I started to sob into the phone, all I wanted was for my baby to be here and in my arms. I was miserable not knowing if it was a girl or a boy, if it was okay, does it have all his/her fingers and toes?

"I am on my way home right now, breathe in and out. You need to calm down, you are raising your blood pressure from stressing out. Don't hang up on me, keep me on the phone until I am home, alright?" I started to sob even harder because I was stressing Landon out and making him leave work. I was a mess, I can't even control myself anymore. I was annoyed with myself, I can't imagine what everyone else thought of me. I couldn't respond to Landon, I just cried into the phone. I heard the door open and shut and foot steps. I put my phone down and cried at the sight of Landon. He was covered in dust and dirt. I was so proud of him for starting his own excavation company, that was doing extremely well. Travis started working for Landon and a couple of his buddies

"Lily." He softly spoke, I threw my arms around his neck and cried. He wrapped his arms around my waist holding me to him. He rubbed his hands up and down my back in a soothing motion.

"I am sorry Lan, I am messing up your work. You just started your own business and you should be putting all your time into your job and I am taking you away from what you love. " I spoke into his shoulder, he shook his head and cupped my cheeks.

"Of course I love my job , but baby I will love you more than anything in this world. You come before everything, you are my one and only girl. I am going to take a shower, and how about we cuddle on the couch and watch a movie?" He spoke smiling at me, I nodded and sat on the couch. He kissed me softly before kissing my tummy

"I will be right back . Don't move, alright?" He spoke smirking at me, I glared at him

"Oh don't you worry, I will be here waiting and sitting like I have been for the past two months !" I screamed, he chuckled before racing up the stairs. I turned my attention back to the television and started searching for a movie. I gasped, finally The Fault in our Stars was on Pay Per View. Quickly, I hit purchase and it started playing. I sunk into the couch cuddling with my blanket.

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