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Lily's P.O.V


It has been the best five months of my life ! Landon and I have never been better. I Love him. No, I haven't told him yet, I am to scared. School is starting in two weeks and I don't want to go back. I was brushing Lighting and singing when someones arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into there strong muscular chest. My heart started beating fast, but then I smelt that familar pine, sweat, and barn smell that I love. It only belongs to one person and that one person is Landon.

" Hey babe, it is just me." Landon whispered in my ear, I have nightmares of Ryan, that day in the barn. The worst part of all, is that Landon was not there to stop him from "you know." I have bags under my eyes and I have not slept since our last encounter with Ryan.

" Hi." I whispered and leaned into him, and closed my eyes. He squeezed me tighter, and kissed the top of my head. I love Landon because he understands me, he treats me with respect and does not push me to do things I am not ready or want to do.

" What's wrong darlin." He spoke in his husky voice, I just shook my head. He turned me around and tilted my chin.

" Lily." He spoke and he gave me that stare with those green eyes I can not lie to. I took a deep breath.

" It is nothing, I-i just do not want to go back to school is all. " I whispered and looked down at the ground, he did not believe me. He pushed me against the stall and put his hands on either side of my head.

"Why Lily, you love school." He curiously asked and tilted his head, I took a deep breath and caved and told him the truth.

" Going back to school means I have to see Ryan every day and hear all this crap that is going around town. Landon I do not think I can take a whole year. Every time I think of him, hear his name, and see him I just want to freeze and curl in a ball and cry. He was my best friend. And now, he is my enemy and so is the whole school." I yelled and I was breathing heavily and I did not know I was crying until Landon wiped the tears away with his thumb.

" He will not hurt you again or anyone else, I promise. Do you hear me. Never Ever Again." He growled out between his teeth, I nodded my head and I knew Landon would protect me know matter what.But that scared me, I could not loose Landon

" But it is not just that, I have dreams almost every night of him and me in the barn that day. But it did not stop." I said and his eyes softened and he cupped my cheeks

" Do not worry Lil, it is going to be O.K You are O.K.." He whispered and kissed my forehead, I grabbed his cheeks and pulled his lips down to mine. It was a soft and quick kiss but it was perfect.

" Thank you Landon, you always know what to say." I spoke and smiled up at him, he smirked down at me. We just stared into each others eyes until he broke the silence.

" I want you to meet my mom."He whispered and I smiled up at him

" I can not wait to hear your embarrassing stories and pictures." I said grabbing his cheeks and shook him like a baby. He swatted my hands away and started belly laughing.

" You will like the pictures, especially my naked photos." He winked and I blushed, he started laughing so hard tears were streaming down his face.

" O Lily, your face. I am just kidding love." He said and kissed my cheek and ran off yelling after him

" Maybe." I just shook my head laughing at my dorky, handsome, and sweet boyfriend.


I was getting dressed to meet Landon's mother. I was beyond nervous. What if she did not like me? What if she did not think I was good enough for her son? What if, what if that is all that has been going through my head all day. I was currently fixing my hair when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I yelled and continued to do my hair, Landon peeked his head through the door and smiled. All my nerves went away when I saw him. I finished my hair by tying my bangs back making it sure they would stay. I turned around and Landon stood there in front of me wearing washed out jeans a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and working boots. Let me just tell you my boyfriend looked fine. My mama would scold me. I blushed at my thought and shook my head.

"Lil, you look absolutely beautiful." Landon exclaimed with a smile, I was wearing a white cocktail dress with red pumps. We were kind of matching. It is cute!

"Thanks Lan, you look handsome." I said using his new nickname, he shook his head and smiled down at me. He cupped my cheeks and gave me a quick kiss

"Lets go my love. My mom is going to love you." He spoke with certainty in his voice and dragged me down the steps holding my hand.

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. I will have her back at ten sharp." He yelled to my parents in the kitchen, we heard there agreement before the door slammed shut. On the way to his house, I was fidgeting and almost having a panic attack

" Babe, it is going to be fine. She is going to love you I promise." He whispered rubbing soothing circles on the palm of my hand. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. What if he was wrong what if she hated me ! ! ! ! ! I was to lost in my own world to notice that we were sitting in front of Landon's home. I took a deep breath and unbuckled my seat belt and was about to open my door but Landon already had it opened and held his hand out.

"Well thank you. You are such a gentleman." I said giggling at his formal face, he shut the door

"Anything for my lady." He said in a British accent. We both started cracking up laughing, after we controlled ourselves he grabbed my hand and led me to the porch.

" Everything is going to go great.  Do not worry. She is going to absolutely adore you. "He said smiling and kissing my cheek, he opened the front door and we walked into his beautiful home, and that is where his mom stood with a small smile on her face. Here goes nothing.









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