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I have been in labor for almost six hours now, and am four centimeters. I have never felt pain like this before.

"Please make this pain stop!" I cried while squeezing Landon's hand. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear, which calmed me down, but not enough to forget the pain.

"Tell me a story Landon. " I whispered, while breathing in deeply hoping the contraction would end soon

"Um like what? I don't know any stories!" Landon frantically spoke pacing the room, I gripped the railings

"Any story Landon. Didn't your mom read to you when you were a child.  Don't you watch movies." I screamed, he nodded quickly and took a deep breath

"Nothing. I can't think of anything. The only thing coming to mind is the three little pigs, I don't know why the three little pigs-" Landon rambled on and on about the three little pigs

"A memory then" I whispered feeling relief from the passing contraction

"Okay. Well, did I ever tell you about the arrogant jerk who worked on a farm and fell in love with the farmer's daughter?" He smirked and pushed my sweaty hair away from my forehead 

" I would like to hear that story, tell me that story" I spoke with my eyes closed, as I felt the contraction ending.

"One day when the work-hand was working, the boss came out and brought his daughter along. She politely introduced herself, but he was short and snappy with the beautiful woman. He continued to work, when he heard a horse nah and took of running with the beautiful creature." He spoke softly looking into my eyes

"I like this story. What happened next?" I questioned as he rubbed my lower back, releasing the tension

"Well, the girl was snooping around in the barn and came across the boy playing a song he wrote for her, after he played the song for her the rest was history. They now live happily ever after." I smiled at the end, I finally got my happily ever after

"I like hearing it from your point of view. I tend to think I am dreaming and one day I am going to wake up and you will disappear and once again I will be alone." I whispered telling him one of my deepest fears.

"Hey, look at me." He spoke tilting my chin up.

"I will always be here for you no matter what life throws at us. It is you and me against the world, angel. " I nodded and squeezed my eyes shut, hoping for the contraction to go away .

Finally, I recieved my epidural, which eased the pain tremendously. Now it was just period cramping . I was eating ice chips , when Mama, Pa, Travis, Ella, and Mama McClain.

"How are you doing, honey?" Mama asked while Pa asked how Landon was. I shook my head and smiled

"I am doing much better since I recieved the epidural. It was pretty miserable, I am about 8 centimeters and 14 hours into labor." I sighed it was a long time , but I could do this . This was all worth it to hold my baby in my arms.

"Epidural is a life savor." Mumbled Landon , but I heard him loud and clear. I through an extra pillow at him

"Hey! You try having contractions , plus we haven't even gotten to the worst part , yet. Did you forget the part, where I push a human being out of my lady parts?" His eyes enlarged, Travis looked like he was going to throw up, and Papa was just laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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