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I left Lily to sleep since she needed all the rest she could get , I walked down the steps and her dad, mom and grandmother were sitting in the living room.

" She is alseep.Mr.Anderson can I talk to you please." I said and he nodded and we went out on the porch.

" What would you like to talk about Son." He said sitting down on the porch swing , I leaned against the pole.

" Sir , I would like to talk about you daughter ." I said clearing my throat and crossed my arms.

" O.K. , what about her ." He said more seriously , I took a deep breath

" I like her sir a lot ,she is special. We talked and she said she likes me too ." I said and I couldn't read him .

" Are you a Christian Landon ." He said I knew he was going to ask this question

" No sir , I believed in him when I was 16 but he took someone important away from me." I said my voice full emotion .

" And who was that ." He said softer and patting a seat next to him

"My father , we were close he was more like my best friend . We got into a car accident and he died before the paramedics got there . It was my fault ." I said with tears in my eyes

"Why is it your fault ." He asked turning to look at me

"I wanted to go to a friends house and he told me no , I remember yelling at him and being mad. So he took me anyway , if I didn't get or fight with him he would still be alive . And I was angry at God for taking him away from me . " I said letting a few tears slip , I wiped them away and cleared my throat .

" It was not your fault Landon , God works in mysterious ways. And from what you told me about your dad , he wouldn't want you to blame yourself . " He said I nodded and stood up

"How about you come to church with us , and I will talk to Lily. "He said I smiled that was better then nothing.

"Yes sir , thank you for listening." I said he nodded and slapped my shoulder

"Thank you for trusting me and telling me your story . I am here if u need to talk ." He said I nodded and shook his hands .

"Thank you sir, that means a lot ." He nodded and I walked to the barn and grabbed my guitar . I knew what I was going to write about . I smiled rhinkink that Lily could be mine soon . She is different then the other girls . I know she is the one I want to be with forever .


I woke up and Landon wasn't there I smiled and my heart flipped from just thinking his name. I hope daddy will let us be together , I know that he is the one that God wants me to be with. I put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants , pulled my hair up in a ponytail and went downstairs. I went into the kitchen and dad was in the kitchen drinking coffee.

" Your up. How are you feeling." He said I sat down across from him , I pulled my legs up and put my chin on my knees.

" Good." I answered and smiled at him , he took a sip of his coffee and cleared his throat. He only did that when he wanted to talk a SERIOUS talk.

" Landon came to me this morning wanting to talk." He said I took a deep breath

" About what." I said getting a water from the fridge and a fresh brownie that momma made.

" You and him. He really likes you Lily , I can see it in his eyes. Do you like him ?" He said I smiled and took a bite of my brownie.

" I do papa , he is different when I think of him a smile is on my face and I get butterfly's in my tummy. I know he is the one God wants me to be with. I know that sounds crazy but I know it is . I have prayed for months about him and I know he is it." I smiled with tears in my eyes he stood up and gave me a hug.

" O.K. but he has to come to chruch and then I will think about hou two dating O.K." He said I wrapped my arms around his neck

" Thank you , let me go tell Landon." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran out of the house screaming Landon's name . He came out of the barn with no shirt on and sweating.

" What Lily, are you O.K." He screamed I didn't answer I ran and jumped on him , he caught me and I hugged him tight.

" He said that he will think about it ,and that you have to come to Church." I said smiling I was scared he was having second thoughts when he didnt answer , but when I looked at his face he had the biggest smile and his eyes twinkled.

" I told you everything would turn out Lil.I can't wait to call you my girl." He said and kissed my cheek and leaned his forehead on mine .

" I can't wait until I'm yours." I whispered and closed my eyes soaking in this perfect moment not wanting him to let me go.







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