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Melody woke up to Caroline knocking on her door. "Come on, we are going to get to know one another."


Caroline smiled as she hoped she gained a new friend. Melody got dressed and fixed her hair as she was looking forward to seeing what they were doing. She hasn't seen Damon or the other two making her wonder where they have been. Melody walked out causing Caroline to smile. "So we are going shopping and I would like to know you better."

"Sure, I would like to have a friend."

"Yay." Caroline said smiling. "Let's go get you some new clothes as I know you haven't been shopping or brought much with you."

"Thank you."
Melody smiled as she walked the halls with Matt and Caroline. "I don't usually date." She said. "That's Bella's category."

"Bella was the one who threw your adoption in your face. Right?" Matt asked.

"Yep, but I don't care. She hated me because guys wanted me and I wasn't interested. Still not."

Caroline smiled as she was going to enjoy having Melody around. "How about you be our third wheel on our double date?"

"Umm...I don't want to intrude..."


Melody sighed and nodded. Caroline smiled as she went to tell Elena that Melody was going as their third wheel. Stefan looked at Melody as she was talking to Matt like he was a lost brother. Matt and Melody saw Caroline walking back over to them. "Why would she invite Melody?" Elena asked.

"She's trying to be her first friend."

Elena nodded as she would like to know Melody, but at the same time, she had a feeling that Melody was that sister she didn't know about. "Stefan, I don't trust her much."

"Elena, Melody is just trying to build a new life here. Don't act like that." Stefan says. "She's been lied to all her life, Elena. Your parents would have told you, but Melody's wouldn't. I'm going to help Melody find out who her family is."

Elena couldn't believe that Stefan was going to help Melody. That didn't settle right for her.
"Why am I here again?" She asked.

"Because I want to be your first friend." Caroline said. "Plus, I might need a shoulder to cry on."


"You'll see." Caroline said as she saw Matt.

Melody sat down as she watched the couples play. She never knew how to play pool, but she does like watching. Elena saw Melody walking to the bar and looked at Caroline. "I don't trust her."

"Why? Because there is someone getting more attention than you." Caroline said. "I trust Melody and I can tell the girl would never be like you or that Bella. She's just quiet and more mature."

Elena couldn't believe what she heard. First Stefan and now Caroline. She saw Damon smiling as Melody ordered her a drink. "Who are you?" She heard and looked at the redhead.

"This is Melody Swan. My one and only friend."

"What?" Melody asked shocked that he said that.

Before she got her answer, Caroline walked by with Elena. Melody took that as her chance to leave. Stefan saw her leaving. "Melody!"


"Where are you going?" Matt asked her.

"Elena hates me." She said. "Just tell Caroline, I'll talk to her when she comes home."

Stefan sighed as he didn't get the chance to know her better. Melody walked out of the grill and went straight back to Caroline's. "Where's Mel?" Caroline asked.

"She left because she knows Elena hates her." Matt answered.

"What?" Caroline said as Elena didn't speak. "Great. You're jealous because she was getting to know Stefan and you didn't want her getting too close to him. Guess what? I know for sure Melody isn't that person."

"She's not or she would have tried something, but she just left." Matt said.
Melody sat in her room wiping her tears. All she wanted was to find her family. She sent a text to her parents apologizing for leaving, but she needed answers. Thats all she said. "Melody?"


Caroline hugged her. "Don't cry.' She says. "Don't worry about Elena, she's just jealous."

"I'm not after Stefan. I'm just looking for my family, but I wasn't expecting to meet a friend like you."

"Yay." Caroline said as she hugged her. "Come on, let's watch a movie and eat comfort food."

"You read my mind."

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