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One thing Melody Swan knew she was going to do is find Bonnie and have a heart to heart with her. She hated that Liz was terrified of her, but her parents, they don't know about her and they haven't called much either. Melody didn't care much as she had her new life. Her phone started ringing causing her to see it was her dad. "Hey, daddy. I haven't heard from you or mom."

Stefan leaned against the door as he watched Melody become heartbroken. "She doesn't want to talk to me anymore?" She asked. "Why?"

He knocked on the door causing her to look at him. She wiped a tear causing Stefan to sit beside her and hug her. "I'm sorry that I left because of Bella. I'm sorry that I'm not Bella, but I'm Melody Swan. The daughter she fucking raised!" She screamed out. "If that's how she is going to act, I'll stick with Liz as my mother."

Stefan didn't move from his spot as he held Melody close. She hung the phone up and cried into his chest. "Melody, you still have Charlie, you have me, Damon, Caroline and Bonnie." He says as Damon leaned against the door frame. "Your home is here."

"Thank you, Stefan." She says pulling away as she wiped her tears. "I'm going to call Bonnie and Caroline. I need them right now."

Stefan nodded as she walked out of the room calling them. Damon looked at his little brother. "So Katherine wants to know Melody. That's why she's back."

"Melody is her sister's doppelganger." Stefan tells him. "She believes she got her second chance to have her sister again. That's why Melody was turned."

"Because Katherine wants her sister."

Melody walked with Caroline and Bonnie. "I just don't know what to do. My mom won't call me anymore, dad says she claims that she doesn't want to talk to me." She says. "I told him Liz is my mom, even though she doesn't like what I am."

Caroline stopped and grabbed her hand. "Melody, you may not have Elena as your sister, but you have me." She says. 

"And me." Bonnie tells her. 

Melody smiled as she looked at them. "Stefan said the same thing this morning." She tells them. "He said that I have you guys, him, Damon, and Liz."

Caroline and Bonnie shared a look knowing right there that Stefan was falling more and more in love with Melody Swan. 
Later that Melody stood by the well at the Lockwood's after discovering that the moonstone was down there. "I'll go down and get it."


"Stefan, I want to help. So let me do what needs to be done."

Stefan didn't say a word as Melody jumped in, but something broke Stefan the moment she went in. Her screaming. "There's vervain down there."

"Get me out!" She screamed out. 

Elena looked at Stefan and Caroline. "I need some one to lower me down."

"Why?" Caroline asked. "You don't care about her. You can't stand the idea of..."

"Shut up!" She cried. "Stefan, please."

"If neither of you don't save her, I will."

Elena sighed. "Fine. I'll do it."

Caroline helped Elena grab the chain. Stefan looked in the well at Melody as she was growing weaker and weaker. Elena was lowered as Stefan watched. She helped Melody grab the chain and get pulled up. 

Once Melody was up, Stefan grabbed her as Caroline sent the chain back down to get Elena who screamed over the snakes. Melody laid on the ground not moving. "I need blood." He tells them. "I need someone to feed Melody."

"I'll do it." Caroline says looking at Elena. "Anything for MY sister."

Elena couldn't believe what Caroline just said. She walked away as Caroline saved Melody's life. Stefan watched Caroline pull her wrist back just as Melody bit her wrist. "Drink." She tells her. "You'll heal faster."

"Thank you, Mel."


Once Caroline's wrist was healed, Stefan pulled Melody into a hug. Afraid that he was going to lose the woman who has him falling more and more in love with him. 

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