Middle Finger Part 2 (BNHA)

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Trigger Warnings: Murder ig, talk of murder, talk of abuse, talk of depression.

"We told you to KILL HIM NOT LET HIM GO!" Shigaraki shouts at Deku as the greenette cowers in fear. The villain goes after Deku, who crawls back a fast as possible only stopping when his back slams against the wall. Shigaraki continues to torture the boy for few more minutes before finally getting bored and raising a large blade in front of Deku.

That's when the wall came crashing in and the teachers of Yuuei as well as a few more older pro heroes walk through. They throw Shigaraki off of Deku, holding back the other villains. Nezu and Aizawa walk up to Deku.

"You okay kid?" Aizawa asks. Deku shakily nods, as his words aren't working for him and he can't do anything else, "You look like you'd seen a ghost. We'll get you back to safety." Deku wanted to nod his head, but he also wanted to shake it. What if they figured out that he was a villain, the one who kidnapped the number one hero once again? What if they toss him into jail, or worse, kill him? Soon, without hesitation, Aizawa picks him up in his scarf and carries him back to Yuuei. That's the last thing Deku can remember.

A few hours later

The villain wakes up in a room. It's very plain and looks almost like a hospital, but Deku knows better. He's been in the hospital before, they smell clean and fresh. This room smells like cinnamon and burning wood. He sits up with a sigh, rubbing his eyes. When he looks around, he can see that there are six adults there. They all sit around the bed, talking quietly.

"Hm. Where am I? This doesn't smell like a hospital." He mutters, warily looking around.

A woman laughs, she has goggles on and her gray hair is pulled up in a tight bun with syringe holding it together. Her walker is a syringe and she wears basic doctors clothing. She stands up and walks to Deku, pressing her hand against his forehead, "You don't have a fever anymore, so you aren't just talking nonsense?"

"What do you mean I'm talking nonsense?" Deku looks confused.

"Usually people think they are in a hospital instead of my room. I've never had anyone identify that it's not a hospital through scent."

"The way I've grown up, the sense I've learned to use most is smell. Hospitals smell very clean and like rubber gloves. This room smells like cinnamon and burning wood. One of my favorite smells."

The woman laughs again, "I'm glad you like the smell. Anyways, I'm Recovery Girl. You're at Yuuei right now."

Panic sets in, "Wait, why am I here? You are all pro heroes."

A rat looking man in a suit puts down his teacup and walks over to Deku, "We found you when you were about to get murdered by the leader of the League of Villains. We rescued you."

"No, no, no, no, no. You shouldn't have done that. You all should've let me die." He looks around, recognizing the pro heroes that saved him and that he looked up to when he was little.

Aizawa speaks up, "And why shouldn't have we saved you? We're heroes after all."

Deku sucks in a deep breath, "All Might knows who I am. He saw me in my debut. He knows, he knows, he knows." Deku ends up muttering that last part.

All Might nods grimly, "He was the one that helped kidnap Young Bakugo. Attacked him the first time he appeared. Then he disappeared. He is, in fact, a villain." The other adults look at him in shock, soon looking between the blonde pro and the greenette villain.

"Is that true young man?" Nezu asks.

"Uhm. Yeah."


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