Send Help I'm Gay (9/10)

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Jiro has added Izuku, Tsuyu, and five others to the chat

Jiro has changed the chat name to Send Help, I'm Gay (Fun fact, I told my friend about the name of this chat and she changed my our GC with our other friends to this name)
Jiro has changed their name to imonlyhereforthegay

imonlyhereforthegay: Welcome to your gay paradise.

imonlyhereforthegay: Where we whine about our gay struggles and Momo and I help you all with getting your gay on.

Momo has changed their name to Mentor

Mentor: First, everyone that's on, state your sexuality.

Tsuyu: I'm lesbian

imonlyhereforthegay has changed Tsuyu to Kermit

imonlyhereforthegay: Welcome to our gay life.

Kermit has changed their name to YeetThyself

imonlyhereforthegay: Fair.

Kaminari: I'm pan

imonlyhereforthegay has changed Kaminari to zappirainbow

imonlyhereforthegay: Welcome to our gay life my dude.

Mezo: I'm gay and currently actually dating someone.

imonlyhereforthegay: Who're you dating?

Mezo: Tokoyami, but no one other than you guys know.

Mezo: We'd like to keep it that way.

imonlyhereforthegay: Makes sense.

Mentor has changed Mezo to handygay

handygay: Creative.

imonlyhereforthegay: Welcome to being a mentor on the gay life.

Shoto: Gay

imonlyhereforthegay: Welcome to the gay life.

imonlyhereforthegay: Midoriya and Shinso seems to have died. So, until they return, any questions.

Shoto: First, Shoji.

Shoto: Has Tokoyami showed up at all? If he has he probably would've come back with Midoriya and Shinso.

handygay: No.

Shoto: Alright then.

zappirainbow: Why isn't Mina in this chat

zappirainbow: She is literally called the GayOverlord in the main chat

imonlyhereforthegay: Her way of gay is shipping and basically forcing people to date. We don't want that. Plus, with Shoji, Momo, and I here, you'll have different methods of help.

Mentor: And just so you know.

Mentor: No one other than the ones in this chat shall know that this chat exists.

Mentor: Also, eventually when everyone is dating we will still talk in this chat, just not about asking our crushes or whatever out.

zappirainbow: Can we say who our crushes are

imonlyhereforthegay: Only if your comfortable with it.

zappirainbow: Well, I fancy Kirishima

handygay: I'm glad and all.

handygay: But why did you just turn into a 30 year old posh British dude?

zappirainbow: What

handygay: "I fancy Kirishima" since when did you use the term fancy?

zappirainbow: I dunno

zappirainbow: I think it's cause I just watched a movie with people talking like that

zappirainbow: Heavily influenced by movies and stuff

YeetThyself: Well I like Ochako.

YeetThyself: I'm not about to hide it. You can most likely tell.

Shoto: A woman of bold moves.

Shoto: I can respect you Asui.

YeetThyself: Likewise Shoto.

handygay: Why does everyone turn into a bunch of people speaking like they're in the nineteen fifties?

YeetThyself: It's about time I come clean.

YeetThyself: I am a time traveler that comes from the late nineteen forties. I come from before the first quirk was discovered and it was paradise.

YeetThyself: I must yeet myself now.

YeetThyself has logged off

zappirainbow: I didn't think I could love this chat anymore.

zappirainbow: This is going to be an amazing chat. I can tell already.

Main Chat

TheRock: Where did Kaminari and Jiro go?

GayOverlord: Yeah. Kami did disappear.

flybitch: So did Tsu.

onlypureonehere: And Todoroki and Momo.

Toru: I think Shoji did as well.

GayOverlord: Think about it. The people that "died".

GayOverlord: Shoji was close to Tokoyami, as well as Jiro.

GayOverlord: Tsu and Todoroki are close to Deku.

GayOverlord: Todoroki and Kaminari are also friends with Shinso.

GayOverlord: And Present Mic and Momo with Aizawa.

Toru: True.

FlexTapeBoii: You think they believe they're actually dead and are taking it hard

ZoomieBoi: No.

ZoomieBoi: They're too smart to think that. Mainly being everyone but Kaminari.

FlexTapeBoii: Damn Iida

FlexTapeBoii: What's with you and roasting me and Denki

ZoomieBoi: I'm simply stating facts. And those facts are that you two are imbeciles.

GayOverlord: You went down hard, Iida.

ZoomieBoi: I apologize.

ZoomieBoi has logged off

GoneLikeTheWind: Welp. I think we killed him.

FlexTapeBoii: But seriously, where do you think they went?

TheRock: I'm talking to Denki right now. He's in his room.

flybitch: Tsuyu just came over to my room.

flybitch: She said that Momo and Jiro are hanging out in Momo's room.

flybitch: So they're probably all good.

GayOverlord: Damn. I was looking for some like dramatic like death and mourning thing to happen.

KingExplosionMurder: Calm down Pinky. This isn't some fucking fanfiction you decided to write or that you drool over.

KingExplosionMurder has logged off

Word Count: 673

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