Chatfic Drabbles

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So this was just a bunch of ideas and random thoughts I had that I would've incorporated into the story if I actually got the motivation to finish it. They don't have their chat names bc I just threw these in and was gonna fix it when I put them in the actual fic. These are by no means in any sort of chronological order so suffer with that.

Deku: I can't feel my legs...

Uraraka: Why not?

Deku: I've been laying in the same position for two hours.

Deku: They've gone numb

Uraraka: Oh

Denki: what was that loud crash

Deku: Ow...

Iida: Are you alright Midoriya?

Momo: Bakugo, why are you laughing so hard?


Aoyama: Ojiro learned French just for me.

Momo: Jiro sings for me whenever I'm sad. Her voice is super soothing.

Tsu: Uraraka will make the two of us float so we can dance in mid-air when either of us are down or stressed.

Denki: Okay, like that's adorable.

Denki: Anyways, Kirishima takes me to the movies then we go and play pranks on random kids.

Tokoyami: Depression at its finest.

Sato: Kouda is just straight up adorable.

Uraraka: You right, you right.

Tokoyami: Shoji lets me blast music late at night to help me feel better.

Mina: Toru sneaks around and gets videos of people doing weird things for me whenever I'm down.

Toru: Love you, boo.

Deku: My significant other, who shall not be named, will take me to the All Might store and buy me something or let me take notes on them.

Kirishima: Who are you dating Izuku?

Deku: No one you need to know.

Sero: Is it Todoroki? I totally see you two dating.

Todoroki: No.
Deku: No!

Mina: That was literally at the exact same time, are you two lying?

Todoroki: No. I have my eyes on someone else.

Mina: Alright.


Send Help, I'm Gay

Jiro: Izuku, truth or dare?

Deku: Dare

Jiro: Ask Mr.Mystery crush out.

Deku: Can I tell them that I'm going to visit them?

Denki: We'll make the exception.

Deku: Thank you

Shinso: Try not to fuck.

Deku: o////o

Deku has logged off


Deku: Kacchan

Kacchan💥🧡: What?

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