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“Rachel! Let’s go honey!” I hear my mom call from downstairs.

I hate my parents…

I was never allowed to say those four words ever again. Though I know I’ve said that many times before, most of the time about stupid arguments we’ve had. But, after today I wasn’t allowed to hate them because they were literally the best parents a girl could ever ask for. Because this summer they decided instead of making me stay home all summer, they are letting me fly to LA to stay at my aunt’s beach house. You do not understand how big this is for me! I’ve never been out of Ohio. I’ve lived here my entire life, and I’ve never been to a beach. Because for those of you that don’t know here in Ohio there’s really only two seasons Winter and Rainy. And sometimes if we’re lucky we will get a good week of “summer” which consists of a 70 degree temperature. So, going from a 70 degree summer to a 95 degree summer is a big step for me. Plus, I’m staying in a beach house all summer, how could I hate my parents after this?

“I’m coming mom.” I yell back throwing on my jacket before grabbing my carry-on and suitcase.

“You’ve got everything?” my mom says worried

“Yes, mom I’ve got everything.” I say

“Let’s check, suitcase?”

“Check.” I smile holding up my hand with the suitcase.








“Che—nope.” I blush

“I told you, how were you expecting to get on the plane?” she laughs

“Sorry, mom I’m a sixteen year old girl and you expect me to remember everything?” I say

“I’ll go put your stuff in the car and you go grab your ticket.” She says “And hurry.” She says slapping my butt as I dash up the stairs.

“Ouch.” I laugh jogging up the steps and into my room. Ticket, ticket, where did I put my... “My ticket.” I say catching a glimpse of my ticket hanging out of my underwear drawer. I run over pulling it out quickly accidentally knocking a picture frame over. I lean down to pick it up smiling at the picture of my older brother in the frame.

“Rachel!” my mom screams pulling me out of my trance

“Coming.” I yell back kissing the frame before slowly setting it down. I’m halfway out the door when I turn back around grabbing the frame and stuffing it safely in my bag.

“What were you doing?” my mom says as I turn the corner coming down the steps.

“Sorry mom, I couldn’t remember where I put my ticket so I had to look for it.” I sigh

“Okay, you’ve got everything now?” she says and I nod.

“Where’s dad?”

“He couldn’t make it.” She says

“Oh.” I reply sadly My dad was never around; he just hasn’t been the same since…

“What's wrong?” she says

“I just thought—I just thought he’d like to be here to say goodbye to his daughter. You know?” I say walking towards the door.

“I know honey, but he’s been really busy at work lately and couldn’t get off. But, I’ll tell you what we’ll call him on the way there and you can say goodbye to him.” She says

“Fine.” I say making my way to the door and swinging it open to see the water running off the roof. Rain…what’s new? I pull up my hood, stuffing my hands in my pockets, before making my way out the door and to the car. I jump in pulling my hood off my head and buckling my seatbelt before pulling out my phone. I scroll down to my dad’s number smiling at the picture of him and I saved as his contact. I hit the call button watching as my mom makes her way around the car and jumps into the driver seat.



“You’ve reached James Clyne I can’t make it to the phone right now. Please leave your name number, reason and time you called and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you have a good day.” His emotionless voice rings in my ears and tears start to form on the brim of my eyes.

“Hello, this is your daughter, you know my number, and you know damn well why I’m calling. I’m leaving for the airport, I thought you’d be here but no you’re too busy with work to even care. Don’t bother getting back to me I won’t answer. Thank you and have a great day.” I spat hanging up and the tears start to flow

“Rachel Jeanette Clyne! Watch your language I understand you’re upset but my daughter is not a potty mouth. Don’t make me get the soap and wash your mouth out.” My mom turns to me

“Sorry mom.” I cry

“He wanted to be here to say goodbye honey.” She continues putting her hand on my back.  

“Sure he did, we all know who is favorite is and it’s obviously not me.” I say leaning my head up against the window.

“Rachel…” she says

“Never mind…forget I even said anything.” I sigh

“Honey I—” she says

“Just drop it mom.” I raise my voice

“I’m sorry.” She says starting up the car and I watch as we pull away from my house. Maybe this summer away from my parents is just what I need. I pull out my phone plugging in my head phones and hitting shuffle and letting Ed Sheeran’s voice take me away.


A/N: Hai! I'm new to wattpad and this is my first fanfic. So, what do you guys think of it so far? The idea literally came out of no where. I really really hope you guys liked it. Should I continue? Or should I scrap it? Keep it or cut it? Please comment and tell me what you guys think. I need your feedback or else I won't know if I should keep writing. So leave your comments below, and tell me what you thought. And if you liked it, then tell your friends, and become a fan and vote and all of that fun stuff. Thanks a lot for taking time to read it.

-Taylor <3

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