It's Over

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A/N: Hey guys. Sorry it's been so long. School has put it nicely H-E-L-L. Seriously it's so bad. And I'm so done. Only 52 days left. I can make it. I hope. So I was just wondering if anyone even reads this anymore...I'm still going to post it but I feel more inclined to update if people actually care. Anyways, please enjoy this chapter.

I wake up the next morning happier than I've ever been in my entire life. Today is the day Harry and I go public. We talked about the plan all last night on our way back from the interview. Harry's weird behavior last night was all over the news after the interview last night so it's inevitable that Ellen will ask him about it on today's show. To which Harry will explain our relationship before inviting me to come out onto the stage. We will then announce our relationship on live TV. I'm extremely nervous as I make my way towards the bathroom turning on the shower and dressing down. My emotions are all over the place. I'm both excited and nervous for everyone to know the truth. I take a quick shower before throwing on my clothes. I don't bother to dry my hair deciding I'll let it air dry on the way to the Ellen show. When I reach the bottom of the steps my aunt is already up and sitting on the couch.

"Good morning." I say and my aunt smiles.

"Good morning, happy girl. Someone woke up on the right side of the bed today." She says.

"Harry and I are going to announce our relationship today." I reply and she raises her eyebrows.

"Oh really?"

"Yep, channel 3. The boys will be on at 4." I say grabbing a cupcake off the counter and taking a bite. "I'll be back later, after the interview. Love you." I say making my way toward the door. "Bye." I open the door shoving the rest of my cupcake in my mouth. I happily skip towards Harry's house and I'm about to knock when the door opens. Harry stands in front of me two suitcases in his hands.

"Where are you going?" I say as he walks past me not answering my question. "Harry." I reach for him and he pulls out of my grasp not turning around.

"The boys and I are leaving after the interview tonight." He says opening up the car trunk.

"What? But what about going public?" I question and he throws both bags in.

"We aren't." He states before walking past me again.

"Harry." I say moving in front of him. "What's going on?"

"It over Rachel." He says and as the words slip from his lips I'm not sure if I'm hearing them right.

"What?" I choke out and he looks up at me.

"You and I...are no more." He says slowly as if I don't speak English.

"Is this some kind of joke? Because if it is, this isn't funny Harry." Tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

"No joke Rachel. This is no more." He states moving past me and back into the house.

"I thought you loved me." I follow him into the house. A chuckle escapes his lips and he turns around to face me.

"I never loved you Rachel." He smirks before continuing. "Don't you know who I am? Harry Styles, I can have any girl in the world and you thought I would choose you?"

"You told me it was because I was different..." I frown.

"You were vulnerable Rachel, I knew that if I were able to get past those walls you set up around you I could get you to do anything." He says and I choke on my tears.

"You took my virginity..." I breath out and he nods.

"That was the plan all along you were so innocent and sweet. It was my plan all along to get you to have sex with me. I knew all I had to do was go deep enough to get you to trust me; to let me in. It was actually easier than I thought." He says.

"What about your promise? You--you told me you'd never leave." I cry.

"All of it was a lie Rachel, I never meant anything I said. It was all something I made up. You mean nothing to me." He spats and I shake my head.

"This isn't happening."

"Oh but it is sweetheart." He grins and I shake my head.

"I could have you took advantage of a minor." I say.

"Go ahead but who do you think they'll believe? Some nobody girl or Harry Styles."

"The boys will back me up.

"The boys? The boys were in on it too. We're best friends Rachel this is what we do. We take advantage of people."

"Why?" I choke.

"Why? Because we can that's why." He says and I wipe the tears from my eyes.

"I can't believe you."

"It's not the first time I've heard that before. Now run along now. The boys and I have an interview to do." He says turning away from me. My feet move before my mind does and before I know it I'm back at my aunts house.

"Rachel sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"I--I don't want to talk about it." I say making my way up to my room. I throw my shoes off before climbing into my bed. My mind replays everything that just happens. Every word, Harry's face and I can't believe what just happened. The moments okay over and over and I cry myself to sleep.


I'm awoken by my aunt shaking me.

"Rachel the boys interview is on." She says and I roll over to face her. Do I want to watch it? Maybe I just had a bad dream and the previous events didn't happen. I climb out of my bed and run down the steps I make it just in time to hear Ellen say Harry's name.

"So Harry during yesterday's interview with E News you seemed to be acting pretty weird. The interviewer said you were being flirty with some girl behind he camera. What do you have to say about that?"

"Oh that? Nothing's going on I'm still single girls don't worry." He responds and I drop onto the couch.

"Are you sure you have nothing to say? Because in one part of the interview you can clearly see you mouthing I love you too. To someone off camera. There are rumors going around that this girls name is Rachel. Any comment?"

"Rachel? Nah, that name doesn't ring a bell. It's probably just some stupid fan that made this all up. I am here to tell you I am really single. And whoever this Rachel chick is...she means nothing to me." Harry says and I feel my whole world crashing down. The boys all seem seriously surprised but I'm sure it's all part of their act. I've decided I've heard enough and I jump off the couch.

"Rachel honey, where are you going?" My aunt meets me as I'm halfway up the steps, Jayden wrapped in her arms.

"Home, I'm going home."

A/N: Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please interact guys. It means a lot to me to get feedback. Thanks. :D

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