Better off Friends?

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A/N: Hello internet! I'm finally back! Aren't you guys happy? I'm sorry I've made you guys wait this long for another chapter. Like I've said a couple times, I had hit an extreme writers block. But I'm kind of back into writing so I'm going to post the next chapter. I like to write a couple chapters before I post one so then I'm ahead if something comes up and I can't write. But anyways Happy Memorial Day I wanna take this moment to remember all the men and women that have died for us. And if you know anyone that has died fighting or out there fighting just know that I appreciate everything do and I am praying for them. Anyways since today is Memorial Day I've decided to upload two chapters. Not only because it's Memorial Day but because this chapter kind of sucks because it's just Harry's POV of the last chapter so it's not really different. Anyways I hope you guys like this I've worked extremely hard on both yeah. Enjoy. :D

Harry's POV

I watch as the Jayden runs out the door heading down the hallway.

“Shut it.” Rachel says and I turn around hesitantly close the door. She’s pissed at me…I should’ve just left her alone.

“I’m sorry” I sigh looking down at my hands.

“What?” Rachel questions as I look up at her.

“I’m sorry none of this would’ve happened if—”

“Harry none of this is your fault. It’s not your fault I got mad over something stupid, it’s not your fault the jellyfish stung me, and it’s defiantly not your fault I’m allergic to jellyfish. None of what happened, happened because of you. I should actually be thanking you.” She says

“What? Why?”

“Jayden said you carried me out of the water.” She smiles

“Anyone would’ve carried you out of the water. I was just the first one there.” I lie

“Yeah, but you still did and I appreciate it. Jayden said you were like a super hero, Super Harry.” She laughs

“I’m not a hero.” I pout.

“You are Harry, you’re my hero.” She says before laughing “Haha, sorry that was really cheesy.”

“It kind of was.” I says laughing along.

“But I do mean it Harry…in the cheesyless way possible.” She begins tilting her head to the side “Is cheesyless even a word? Whatever, what I’m trying to say is thanks.”

“Not a problem.” I say. Do it now Harry just ask her! Come on be a man! “I know you said this wasn’t my fault, but I’d still like to make it up to you.” I start taking a deep breath

“Harry you don’t…” she interrupts It’s now or never.

“Yes, I do. Would you like to maybe get some lunch with me tomorrow?” I bite my lip in anticipation. Please say yes please say yes!

“Like a…date?” she says

“Yeah, I guess you could call it that.” I shrug

“I’m sorry Harry it’s just…I don’t…I don’t date.” She says

“Oh.” I look down at my feet. Well…that didn’t go how I’d planed.

“But, if you want to get lunch. Like just get lunch as friends. Then I’d be up for that. Maybe the boys could tag along or something?” she says

“Sure, that’s what I meant the boys were coming any way.” I lie

“Oh okay then that’s cool. I should be out of this dump by tomorrow. So I’ll meet you for lunch around 12:30?” she says

“Sure that’s a great idea.” I smile Not exactly what I was thinking but…okay.

“Okay, see you then.” She says

“Rachie, mommy said that the doctors said you can come home now. And we will go and get some food on the way home.” Jayden says walking into the room.

“Yay, when we get home want to finish our episode of Wow Wow Wubbzy?” Rachel smiles at Jayden.

“Yeah.” Jayden replies

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I say slipping out of the room

“Bye.” Rachel smiles nodding.

“Harry wait.” Jayden says running towards me.

“Yeah, buddy?” I question leaning down to his height.

“Thank you for saving my Rachie.” He smiles hugging me tightly me as I hug back.

“No problem little man. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I say pulling away and walking out of the room.

“Did you ask her?” Louis runs up to me the boys close behind.

“Yeah.” I continue to walk towards the car.

“And are you guys going to lunch tomorrow?” Zayn says

“Yeah” I say

“Then why the long face mate? She said yes!” Liam says

“You guys are coming with me.” I say

“Yes food!” Niall says and I glare at him.

“Sorry…” he says

“What do you mean we’re coming with you?” Louis questions as we reach the car.

“She told me she doesn’t date...but then she said she’d get lunch just as friends and said you guys should come along.” I say getting into the car.

“She doesn’t date?” Liam says

“I had to break it to you mate but I don’t think that she doesn’t date I think…” Louis starts

“She doesn’t date people like me.” I sigh

“I’m sorry.” Zayn says

“It’s okay guys. It’s not your fault…I guess we’re just better off friends.” I say starting up the car as the car goes silent.

A/N: So thoughts? Questions? Comments? If you liked this chapter please leave me some feedback below. And maybe subscribe to me? And if you really liked it...then vote! Love you guys. Get ready for the next chapter. :)

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