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A/N: Hi guys! So it's Friday! And today also starts Spring Break for me. And guess what....I turn 16 on Monday!!! I'm really excited and my sweet 16 is tomorrow, it's not going to be huge but that's okay because I didn't want it to be. But sadly I have a HUGE headache right now, so hopefully that subsides by tomorrow. Here's the next chapter. It's basically just Harry's POV of the last chapter. Sorry if it sucks. It'll get better I promise. Hope you guys like it.

Harry's POV

I laid in my bed staring up at the blank ceiling listening to Lou’s loud snoring. I just couldn’t sleep; thoughts about that girl roamed my mind. You can’t tell me that God made us run into each other at the airport and then made us be vacationing in the same spot. There has to be a reason behind it all. I finally decided I had enough of Lou’s snoring and went down stairs to get some juice. I walked out on the deck looking up at the sun rising when a blurry figure caught my eye. That’s the girl! I sat my juice down jogging down the steps and up behind her sitting my hand on her shoulder. She turns around rapidly with a worried expression on her face.

“What’s wrong with you?” she yells whipping her headphones out of her ears.

“Sorry I just—” I start Why can’t I speak when I’m around this girl?

“You apologize a lot.” She says continuing to walk away from me.

“Sorry” I say jogging after her

“And now you’re apologizing for apologizing.” She laughs making me smile

“I like your laugh” I admit and suddenly she’s mad again. Is something I said?

“What do you want?” she crosses her arms starting to walk again.

“I couldn’t sleep and I saw you walking on the beach. I just want to talk to you and apologize” I say starting to smile realizing that I’m apologizing yet again. “For ruining the sandcastle the other day, I promise I will make your son a new one.” I say and she stops dead in her tracks.

“My son? You think Jayden is my son?” she questions

“He isn’t?” I say

“No, Jayden is my cousin. I’m staying with my aunt for the summer.” She says Oh thank god.

“Oh” I say

“Yeah, and speaking of the sandcastle thing. I shouldn’t have been so hard on you.” She says

“It’s alright.”

“No it’s not, I had no right to be so rude to you and I’m sorry.” She says sincerely

“Apology accepted, I’m just surprised that you yelled at me instead of asking for my autograph.” I laugh

“What do you mean?” she says

“Do you know who I am”

“Yeah, you’re in that band One Direction. So?” she says She does know who I am! “Oh, you think I’m a fan.” She continues laughing and I nod “Don’t flatter yourself Styles not every girl on the planet is obsessed with One Direction.” She finishes

“So you don’t like us?” I say

“I much prefer Ed Sheeran.” She smiles holding up her I-pod with a picture of Ed on it. Darn you Ed.

“Ed is good and all but why don’t you like us?” I say

“I didn’t say I didn’t like you, I just like Ed better.” She shrugs

“Oh” I pout

“Don’t be upset because you’ve found one girl that isn’t obsessed with you. There are millions out there that are.” She says But, I don’t care about them.

“So, I’ve just realized this is the third time we have met and I still don’t know your name.” I say trying to get more information.

“Rachel.” She says

“Rachel, pretty name for a pretty girl.” I say and she laughs Really Harry?

“How many times have you used that one before?” she says

“Never.” I say and she crosses her arms sternly “Okay, like ten, but this time I really mean it.” I admit

“Sure” she says

“I’m serious, you’re really pretty.” I smile

“Thank you” she blushes

“You’re welcome.” I say

“Rachel!” we both look up to see a lady. “Breakfast.” The lady yells Rachel’s Aunt?

“I’ve got to go.” She says

“It was really nice to meet you, Rachel.” I say

“I don’t know if I can say the same.” She smiles cockily

“Oh sure, you loved meeting me. And now you can tell all your girlfriends that you met Harry Styles.” I say back making her smile

“Whatever floats your boat Styles.” She says running back to her beach house. She reaches the top smiling and waving before going inside. I retreat back to my own beach house trying to sneak in without waking anyone.

“Where were you?” my mom says startling me

“Walking on the beach” I say

“Who was that girl?” she smiles

“Were you spying on me?” I say

“No, I was just making breakfast and I just so happened to be close to a window. And I was looking at the beautiful sights and you were just there. So who is she?” she says

“No one really.” I say

“No one?” she says

“Yeah, she’s just some girl. Her names Rachel and she’s staying with her aunt for the summer.” I say

“Oh.” She says

“Yeah, that’s basically it.” I say

“So, what were you guys talking about?” she says

“Nothing really, I accidentally knocked down her cousin’s sand castle. So I promised her I’d make him a new one.” I shrug sitting down at the table

“Well, that’s very nice of you.” She smiles

“Yeah, I guess. I felt really bad for ruining it.” I say “It was really cute how she took care of him; she was really good with him. He seemed to idolize her and look up to her.” I say

“Oh.” My mom smiles

“What?” I say

“Nothing” she shrugs grinning

“What” I say again

“Nothing, go get everyone up for breakfast.” She says

“Okay.” I say walking off to get the boys

“You totally fancy this girl Harry.” My mom yells

“Do not.” I yell back

“Do too.” She says

“Do not” I yell again

“Do to.” And I look up to see the boys standing at the top of the steps. They’re never going to let me live this down.

A/N: So? Was it okay? I'm going to go lay down now guys. Thanks a lot for reading. I'll try and update soon.

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