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A/N: Hi guys so I'm sorry I don't update a lot it's just I like to keep you guys wondering instead of giving you a bunch of chapters at one time but anyways here's the next chapter. Bye. :)

Rachel's POV

As Harry holds my body close to his I lay my head against his chest listening to his soft heartbeat. When I look up at him he mirrors my motions looking down as our eyes connect.


"Yes. Thank you." I nod my voice coming out extremely soft due to the dryness in my mouth Harry has caused.

"Good." he replies softly with a smile. The next few moments happen as if I'm not even there, almost as if I'm watching them happen. Harry hesitantly leans in closer our foreheads touching. He looks down at me his eyes asking for permission and without thinking I close my eyes letting it happen. As his soft lips come in contact with mine a shock wave seems to surge through my body. The whole world seems to stop as my lips slowly move in sync with his. His hands move to my hips as the kiss begins to deepen.

Suddenly all at once my eyes snap open realizing what I actually let happen. I put my hands out in front of me pushing against Harry's chest dropping my towel as I do so. Turning on my heels I begin to make my way toward the beach house leaving behind my shoes, clothes and Harry.

"Rachel?" his voice follows after me as I move quicker toward my house. "Rachel?" he reiterates grabbing my wrist and pulling me toward him.

"Harry let go." I command attempting to pull my wrist away from him.

"Rachel did I do something wrong?"

"Please, just let go." I plead as Harry releases my wrist and I take off toward the beach house.

"Rachel please talk to me."

"Just leave me alone Harry." I state not even turning around.

"You know what I'm done." I turn around to see Harry's face in a frown. "I'm done trying to make this work--" he motions between the two of us with his right hand. "Trying to make us work." he takes a breath turning in a circle before running his hands through his hair.

"I like you Rachel okay?" he admits as I open my mouth to reply but nothing comes out. "I may even more than like you, I've never liked a girl like this before. Yes I've dated girls before and I have to admit there was a time when I was famous when I would've considered myself a player. But none of those girls meant anything to me I would just date them and drop them." he stops his face softening as he looks over at me.

"But you---you're different Rachel you're someone I can actually see myself being with. You're someone I could see myself talking about in interviews. I want this to work Rachel I want us to work...but you're going to have to try and give me something to work with. You're going to have to stop pushing me away." he finishes walking toward me grabbing my small hands in his large ones.

"I don't want to lose you Harry."

"What?" he looks down at me his green eyes digging into my soul.

"I don't want to lose you like---like I lost Matt..." I reply tears rolling down my cheeks at the memories. "I-I-I" I stutter attempting to get the words out.

"It's don't have to talk about it if---" he begins rubbing circles on my back as I cut him off continuing.

"My big brother, Matt, was---we were extremely close for being three years apart. I know this may sound weird but we never fought we were more like best friends than siblings. He was always there for me---always. That was up until he graduated High School. Instead of going to college in Utah like he had planned. He decided to join the army." I take a deep breath before continuing.

"I begged him not to do it. Going to college in another state was bad enough but at least I could visit him. But my brother would be in danger every second of every day. As much as I cried and begged and pleaded for him to stay he ended up going anyway. It didn't surprise me when he told me he wanted to join because he had always wanted to help people. But in a way I was selfish because I didn't want to lose him. The day he left for combat he sat me down on the bed in my bed room and he said. 'Be good for Mom and Dad try not to drive them insane while I'm gone.'" I laugh at the memory of his jokes.

"He then grabbed my hands his face becoming serious before he said the words that stuck in my mind 'I will be back in six months Rachel. I promise you, you're not going to lose me.' He then pulled me close to him softly kissing my head before walking out the door. He sent me letters every week. Sending me jokes and telling me about Iraq and the new friends he made. Then one week I didn't receive a letter."

I pause looking up at Harry to see him watching my every move. "I didn't think anything of it at first but..." I stop choking on my tears as Harry softly brushes them away with the pads of his fingertips.

"He died a week before he was supposed to come home. He was nineteen." I frown looking up at Harry who's eyes are now becoming red. "After my brother died nothing was ever the same again. My mom acted as if Matt was her only son and seemed to block me out. My dad...all he ever does anymore is work. I never see him anymore. My school decided to put me in therapy and get me to talk about him. I pushed my friends away and nobody longer wanted to be around me b.ecause I'd often go crazy. I lost everything that day Matt died because not only did I lose the one person in the world I trusted the most...I lost my parents too." I look up at Harry watch as a few small tears roll down his cheeks. "Don't cry on my account."

I reach up to wipe his tears away. "I don't let anyone in anymore because I'm afraid I'm going to lose them." I explain and Harry looks down at me leaning down and leaving a soft kiss on my temple.

"You're not going to lose me Rachel I---" he starts when I put a finger to his lips.

"Don't promise. Because in my life promises are always broken." I look down at the ground with a frown.

"I don't break my promises." he says setting a finger under my chin and tilting my head up to look at him. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

"Really?" I look up at him with hope.

"Really, so it looks like you're stuck with me." he smiles before leaning down and pressing his lips against mine.

A/N: Please comment, vote and subscribe for more. Thanks for reading guys. <3

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