Building Sandcastles

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A/N: Hi guys! So it's Friday. I am extremely sorry I haven't posted in awhile. First off I've been really busy and secondly I've had a huge writing block lately. So even when I did have the time to write I couldn't seem to write anything. And I'm really sorry it has take so long for me to finally post. I hope to have time to write this weekend. Are you guys ready for another chapter? Harry and Rachel's relationship is growing guys!! Hope you like it. :)

Rachel's POV

I sat in the living room watching Wow Wow Wubbzy with Jayden. We had just finished having lunch and it was going on 3:30. Aunt Rebecca ran out to the store to grab some things for dinner. A knock at the door made me just and I sighed getting up to go and get it.

“Stay here baby.” I smile walking off to get the door to find Harry standing in front of me. He had a bunch of sandcastle stuff in his hand and some blue swimtrucks on. And I’m not going to lie I caught myself staring at his abs for a short second.

“Hi” he smiles

“Hi, um…what are you doing here?” I say

“I promised you I’d help you guys make a new sandcastle so here I am.” He says

“Oh, well um…Jayden is actually laying down for his nap right now so—” I say

“Rachie, I’m out of juice.” Jayden walks over his sippy cup in his hand.

“I guess he’s awake?” Harry says smiling at Jayden as he hides behind my legs.

“Yeah, I guess so.” I say

“Hi buddy. Do you want to go build another sandcastle now?” Harry says leaning down to his level as Jayden comes out from hiding.

“Yeah” Jayden yells

“Looks like he wants to.” Harry says

“Fine, we’ll meet you there in like five minutes.” I sigh

“Okay, see you then.” Harry smirks walking away as I close the door

“Come on baby. Let’s go get changed.” I force a smile as we run off to get changed.

“I can dress myself Rachie.” Jayden says when we get to the top of the steps

“Okay, go get your swimtrunks on, yell for me if you need help.” I say as he runs off. I walk into my room pulling out my pink swimsuit and slipping it on. {Outfit link on the side}

“You doing okay Jayden?” I yell and there is no response. I quickly grab my stuff running to his room.

“All done.” He smiles making me laugh

“You’ve got them on backward silly.” I smile

“Woops.” He says

“Here, let me help.” I say walking towards him and fixing them. “Now we’ve got to put on our sunscreen.” I say applying some to him and then myself.

“All done?” he says

“Are you sure you want to do this? Cause Rachie and you can make one later.” I say

“No, Rachie. I want to do it now.” He says

“Okay, let’s go then.” I sigh grabbing Jayden’s hand and walking out into the “backyard”. I spot Harry lying on the sand next to all the equipment.

“Hey Styles! Are we going to build this sucker or not?” I say as he turns to look at me

“It took you long enough. I was starting to think you weren’t going to come.” He says

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