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A/N: Hai guys. So...it's been awhile. I'm really sorry but I've seriously been so busy. I haven't even had anytime to write and even when I have time...I just haven't been up to writing. For some reason lately I just don't want to write. Like it's gotten so bad. I guess part of the reason is I've begun to compare my fanfics to other fanfics and I just don't think mine are up to par with a lot of the stories on here. So it kind of makes me second guess my writing. But you guys would rather have a good chapter every couple of weeks or do you want an okay chapter every Friday. I've been finding it really hard to write lately so please bare with my slow updating. I'm trying guys. I'm really trying but you've got to work with me. Tell me what you like about the story and what you don't like. You can even give me ideas if you want. I'm really sorry this chapter is kind of suckie. But yeah. Also for those of you who read Four Years. I just recently finished it! The last chapter is an alternate ending and it is only available to my followers so go and read that. There is also a HUGE surprise on that chapter so go read it. Anyways...I really hope you guys like this chapter. Sorry again. Love you guys.

Rachel's POV

I sat silently on my bed the book The Secret Life of Bees sitting in my lap as I tried so hard to read it. This was the book my school had chosen for all of the people, who were going to be Juniors, to read over the summer. This would be the book that me and the twenty-four other students in the class room would be forced to read over our summer break in order to be tested on it the first four weeks of school.

Many students usually procrastinate and don't end up reading the book until a week before school starts or before the test actually happens, I was usually one of those people. But sadly after what went down with Aunt Rebecca I was now grounded...for four days. I mean I guess it was an acceptable punishment considering I did break curfew. And it wasn't that bad except for the fact that I wasn't allowed to do anything except take care of Jayden and read. So I took this opportunity to read the book that I would only otherwise be reading a month and a half from now right before school starts.

Today is actually my third of punishment which means that I have been attempting to read this book for about 27 hours and I hadn't gotten further than the third chapter. It's not that it's a bad book its just that it's not really what I want to be doing during my summer break. Summer break is supposed to be a break to get away from all school related activities, a time to relax and take in the sun. And what do the teachers decide to do give you homework. "It'll help you keep your reading skills over the summer." they all say. Yeah like I'm really going to lose the reading skills I learned in second grade and continued to build over the course of nine years in one three month period.

I'm pulled from my thoughts by the loud sound of my stomach growling. 

"Forget this." I frown putting my book down and dashing down the steps in search of a remedy to cure my hunger. As I make my way into the kitchen I find a note taped to the fridge.

Dear Rachel,  

I had to run up to the market to get some more lunch meat and food for Jayden. I'm not really sure how long I'm going to be gone. Tomorrow is your very last day of punishment don't blow it by doing something stupid to get grounded again. Remember no TV, no iPod, no phone, no music, no leaving the house or having anyone over, especially Harry. If you need anything you are allowed to make one phone call to me. So choose wisely. Also if you get hungry I left a turkey and cheese sandwich for you in the fridge. I love you Rachel. Be home soon. 

Love Auntie Becca.

I smiled reading the note but stopped as my stomach growled again this time even louder.  

"Oh shut up. I'll give you some food just give me second." I pull open the fridge pulling out the perfectly wrapped sandwich smiling at the memory of Harry.  

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