The Girl

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A/N: Hi guys so I'm on vacation still! but I've been doing a lot of writing lately so here's another chapter. I think all of you Hachel(leave me some more ship names) will like this chapter. Anyways here's the next chapter. It's written in 3rd person so I could give better details.

Rachel laid motionless in her bed her eyes traveling about the dark black ceiling. She had been trying desperately to get to sleep since she got into her warm bed at about 10:00 pm. The red clock on her bedside table now read 4:30 am and she hadn't done more than shut her eyes. But how could she sleep when her mind refused to shut up. Thoughts were flying rampantly in her head as she attempted to drift off into dream land.

It had been about three weeks since the night Harry walked her home. The night he gave her his jacket which she has never given back. The night Harry tried to kiss her and she almost let him. The night in which Rachel saw Harry differently. At that moment he was no longer Harry Styles from One Direction. He was Harry Styles British boy from Cheshire that she meant while staying at her Aunt's beach house, the boy that saved her life.

It was no longer just Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis it was now Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis and Rachel. Rachel was now part of their group and she slowly found herself growing closer and closer to each boy. Getting to know each one individually and getting to know the real One Direction not those boys advertised on TV. But in these three weeks Rachel has grown closest to the cheekiest boy in One Direction. The boy she once hated was suddenly becoming her best friend and it scared her.

Across the way in the beach house a short walk away from Rachel's Harry was fast asleep. Unlike Rachel he wasn't up thinking about what was going on in their relationship. Because in his mind everything was going well and sooner or later they would be more then best friends. Rachel would be someone he could call his. Someone he'd be able to be protective over and be jealous of her hanging out with other guys. Harry was ready to have someone by his side. He was ready for Rachel to be his Danielle or his Eleanor or his Perrie.Harry knew that it wasn't going to be the easiest thing for the fans to process. Because he was in fact the most "loved" and "obsessed over" member in the band. But the fans eventually accepted Perrie, Dani and Eleanor so why couldn't they accept Rachel?

Harry had been searching all this time. Searching for someone who would actually like him for him. Someone who didn't care about his money or his looks. Or the fact that he was famous. And Rachel was that girl. Rachel didn't give a damn who Harry was. She wasn't afraid to call him out or make fun of him. Harry had never felt this way about a girl before...ever. Rachel was the girl and Harry would stop at nothing to make her his girl.

"Oh forget it." Rachel mumbles tumbling out of her bed onto the floor. Hitting the floor with a thud she slowly brushes herself off before slipping on a baby blue swim suit with a matching pair of flip flops, an orange Aeropostale tank top and some denim shorts.

Pulling her wavy hair up into a bun on the top of her head she makes her way down the beach. Approaching the water Rachel stops before moving in the opposite direction up toward the navy blue beach house at which Harry was staying.

Looking up at the room above her Rachel began to climb the railing on the side of the building. Reaching the room of the curly haired boy Rachel pulled open the slinging door without a problem, knowing very well that Harry never locked it.

As Rachel tiptoed around the room toward the bed Harry remained unfazed still sound asleep. Leaning of Harry's sleeping body Rachel began to observe him. The way his hair laid messy across his forehead. The way his left hand laid behind his head as if to support it. The way his chest moved up and down slowly as he continued to sleep. Rachel couldn't help it as a small smile crept onto her face.

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