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A/N: Hello everyone. Sorry for the horribly late update. I've honestly been so busy and I haven't got any requests to update so I've decided nobody wants an update. But here I am anyways. So in the last chapter if you don't remember Harry broke up with Rachel. In the douchiest way possible and a few of you freaked out. But honestly I would never write Harry to be a bad character because I honestly believe he is a great person. So anyways...here's the backstory behind why Harry did what he did. I hope you enjoy.

Harry's POV

24 hours earlier

"What do you mean we're not allowed to go public?" I say. I'm currently sitting in a chair at Syco headquarters in front of the President of our managment.

"Exactly that. You and this Rachel girl can not date. You are to stay single until we allow you to date."

"But what about Perrie, Sophia and Eleanor?! How come Louis, Liam and Zayn are allowed to date but not me?"

"Rachel is a nobody. Dating her will do nothing for this band except bring them down. Sophia and Eleanor work for us and Perrie is famous. These three girls look good in the public eye and bring your band even more publicity. You can't go off and date a normal girl from Ohio." She says with a shrug as if this whole situation is no big deal. I swear to god the people that work for managment are heartless good for nothing's that don't give a damn about anything but money.

"Why not?"

"Harry you are One Direction. You are the glue that keeps this band together. 99.9% of Directioners love you and we're not going to let you date. Do you realize what that will do to sales?"

"So what now? Am I just supposed to break up with her?" I question and she nods breaking eye contact as she texts something irrelevant into her phone.


"I can't do that." Tears begin to roll down my cheeks and I choke on my words not full understanding what the hell is going on right now.

"Then we'll do it for you." She says.

"No, I refuse. I've made promises to Rachel and I'm not going to break them."

"You break up with her or we drop One Direction, easy as that. Take your pick." she says an evil smile forming on her face. I hesitate before responding.

"What do I have to do?"


"Harry can you hear me?" her shrilling voice says in my ear and I press the ear piece further into my ear.

"Loud and clear." I say. Before mumbling bitch under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." I reply biting down on my bottom lip before sighing. I honestly didn't like this plan one bit, though they had explained it to me many times I still didn't really understand it. For the most part I'm giving management complete control of my actions; the things I do and say.

"Good. Now Rachel is coming up the driveway. When she gets there open the door and completely ignore her. I'll do the rest."

"I really don't want to do this." I reiterate for at least the twentieth time since I was given this "plan".

"The fate of One Direction lies in your hands Harry, you go down you take them with you."

"Lets just get this over with." I see Rachel standing in front of the door and I open it doing exactly what I'm told. (A/N: Okay so starting now any part in bolder letters will be managment "inside Harry's head" okay?)

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