The Morning After

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A/N: Hello people. So I decided I'd do a quick surprise update. I figured if I update more often then maybe you guys will leave me some feedback. I will probably still update tomorrow too! I hope you guys enjoy this. Thanks for reading.

Rachel's POV


We all learned about it in health class in 8th grade. We all knew what sex was. We knew what could happen if you didn't use protection. The diseases that could be laced within the bodily fluids of your sexual partner. But the one thing we never learned in health class is how it feels. No, because we aren't supposed to know the upsides of sex. All they teach in schools anymore is how bad sex before marriage could be. All they teach us abstinence and safe sex. But they never give the details about what sex really is.

Those are the things you have to learn elsewhere. From the Cosmo magazine you stole from your mother, from the conversations you hear in the girls locker room, from the Internet and sometimes from your friends. But most people can agree that sex is different from everyone. Many say it hurts at first. Others say that they never felt a thing. But all agree that the pain, if any, will soon turn to pleasure. Sex is take so lightly now a days that almost everyone is doing it. Your gym teacher, the cashier at the grocery store, the 17 year old Catholic girl that hypocritically stands at church and teaches abstinence when she's had sex more times than she can count. Some have sex just to have sex, but my story is different.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I granted Harry "permission". And I had heard many stories about sex before but after I agreed I was scared shitless about what was about to happen. Yes, it did hurt. More than stubbing your toe, or breaking a nail, or stepping on a lego. It hurt so bad that I couldn't help the scream that escaped my lips as it happened. Harry stopped to make sure I was okay before continuing. To be honest I don't really remember how long it hurt but I remember I was in pain. But when the pain finally subsided it was the best experience I have ever had in my entire life. I loved being able to be so close to Harry in such an intimate way. To feel the way his body molded perfectly into mine. The warmth of our bodies pressed together. It was the most tremendous feeling ever. And when it was over I didn't regret a single minute of it like I had previously thought I would. If I could go back and decide not to have sex with Harry I'd still choose to have sex with Harry. Because this experience only made our love even stronger. It really made me realize how strong our relationship has actually become. And it was perfect.

When I wake up the next morning my head is foggy with the details of last night. I don't remember much except the fight with my parents but when I finally open my eyes it all comes back to me. Harry's naked body is laying next to mine his arm wrapped around my body. Our bodies are pressed together and my hand lays motionless on his chest. Harry is still asleep and his chest is slowly moving up and down with each breath that he takes. He looks so peaceful laying her next to me and the light coming in through the window bounces off his hair. This is such a different side of Harry, a side I've never seen of him before. I can't help myself as my fingertips slowly begin to trace the butterfly tattoo on his stomach. I've never really been able to see all of his tattoos in depth like this. And my fingers roam each and every part of his body. His inked skin standing out in contrast to my plain skin. I'm so fascinated but all the tattoos that I don't realize Harry wake up.

"Good morning beautiful." His voice makes contact with my ears and I look up at him. Sleepy Harry is the cutest looking Harry and his voice sends chills up and down my spine.

"Good morning." I smile shyly as he continues to look down at me.

"How did you sleep?" He asks me pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Good, you?" I question leaning into his lips as he pulls my body closer to mine.

"Best sleep I've had in awhile, because I had you next to me." He says and my cheeks immediately heat up as I lay my head down onto his chest. Our breathing moves in sync as we lay in the silent motel room together. "I love you, Rachel." Harry's voice breaks the silence and I lean up to look at him.

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