I Miss Her

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A/N: Hi guys. Sorry it's been so long. I've just been really busy. School started on Tuesday and needless to say it's been pretty difficult. Not only am I taking my first Honors class this year but I also doubled up on my scienes. So I've got: Spanish 3, Economics, Algebra 2, General Physics, English 11CP, Honors Chemistry and Government. So yeah...it's a bit overwhelming. But I am going to try and write as much as I can. Also last night I found out that my crush of almost three years has a girlfriend...so I didn't really feel like writing much yesterday or today. Because I'm not really in a writing mood lately. I've just been kind of upset. But yeah. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It's kind of a filler chapter but I really hope you guys like it. Sorry it took so long. I'll update soon I promise. Okay yeah bye. :D

Harry's POV

I sat up in my bed a sigh escaping my lips. Today was day three of Rachel's extremely long punishment. And to be honest I believe it was affecting me more than it was her.

I missed her kisses.

I missed her hugs.

I missed her laugh.

I missed her.

It was scary how much I missed being with her. A girl that I had only met a short while ago was suddenly meaning so much to me. She found her way into my heart and refused to leave. Not that I was protesting her being there. It seemed as if that was where she belonged...in my heart.

"Harry." Louis' voice pulls me from my thoughts as he walks into my room.

"Hi Lou." I look up at him plastering a smile on my face.

"The boys and I were about to play a game of football (soccer). And we were wondering if you'd like to join us."

Football. Rachel. She loves playing football. And beating my butt at it. I wonder what she's doing right now...in solitude. This is all my fault, this---

"Harry." Louis pulls me back to reality waving a hand quickly in front of my face.


"We're you even listening?" He questions and I shake my head 'no'. "This is about Rachel huh?" he says and I look up at him with a small nod. "Goodness Harry. It's only been three days. One more day and you'll be able to see her again. I don't know what's got you so upset." he explains taking a seat next to me on my bed.

"Lou." I look up at him and he nods waiting for me to continue. "Never mind." I say getting up from my bed and slipping a pair of shoes on.

"What is it, Haz?" he walks up behind me and I turn toward.

"I asked her to be my girlfriend." I admit looking up at him for a response.

"You did not?" he looks at me a surprised look spreading across his face as I nod. "Do the boys know? What did she say? Who am I kidding she said yes didn't she?" he stops waiting anxiously for an answer.

"No...I haven't really told anyone yet, except you of course. Yeah...she said yes." I say a small smile growing on my face.

"Hazza's got himself a girlfriend." Louis exclaims making his way out of my room. I follow quickly after him attempting to get him to shut up. When he finally stops we're in the living room and the boys are all looking at us with weird looks on their faces.

"What's up lads?" Liam says taking a drink from his water bottle.

"Harry has some news." he turns toward me a grin on his face and I shake my head 'no'. "Do you want me to tell them?"

"No." I mumble shaking my head.

"Then tell them." he pushes and I take a deep breath looking around for any sign of my mother or Gemma. When I find that neither of them are close enough to hear I open my mouth.

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