Without You

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A/N: Hi guys! Happy Wednesday. So...I just want to star of by saying how fun writing this story has been. Yes it hasn't really been the most popular of stories but I got a better reaction for it than I believed I would've. I started writing this story a little over a year ago and now...it's ending, sadly. I am currently planning on writing a epilogue, if you guys want one. I don't think I'll do a sequel though, I'm not the best at writing sequels, unless you guys can convince me to write one. (Speaking of sequels, go check out my other fanfic Forever and Always (sequel to Four Years), I just posted a new chapter). Anyways, this chapter is a decent length and I think that you guys will like the way it ends. It's simple...but remember not all stories end happily...enjoy.

When I pull up to the stadium I'm not surprised to see its basically full already. The concert still doesn't start for a good forty minutes but I guess people want to be fashionably early for once. I'm here because I know Ed personally and I'm going to see if I can try and get backstage to see him. I know Julie would just about freak out if she got to meet Ed face to face. If she's as big of a fan as I am, which from as far as I can see she is, then she'll go nuts. We've just arrived and she's already hyperventilating in the seat next to me. When I called asking her if she wanted to come she literally screamed for a good ten minutes and I took that as a yes and began to get ready. I would've gone to the concert alone but I did have an extra ticket and as luck may have it I made a new friend today who isn't either a complete wacko or some girly girl that I would never get along with. Julie is kind of in between. Her style is somewhat girly but since she grew up in Nashville she used to live on a farm with her six older brothers so she's far from a prissy girl. Supposedly she's won the bull riding competition six years in a row.

I'm the first to get out of the car and I basically have to drag Julie out as she continues to have breathing spams. She seems to fit right in with the other girls that are literally dying all around me right now. I'm sure I would be in the same boat if Harry hadn't...I mean if I hadn't meant Ed before hand. We finally reach the gates after practically having to drag Julie to the gates because her legs "gave out" on her the second we saw the Ed Sheeran poster. I have to admit Ed did look pretty spiffy in the poster or as Julie put it "hotter than a dead possum on the road in the middle of July." I'd like to say I understood what she meant...but I didn't. The weather outside has suddenly seemed to lighten up and I can kind of see the sun peeking through the clouds. It's still kind of gloomy out but the concerts inside so we don't really have much to worry about.

We get to the gates and I hand the security guard our tickets before we get to enter the stadium. The inside of the stadium is packed and I grasp onto Julie's hand just to make sure I don't lose in her this large crowd of people.

"Stay with me Nashville." I yell out behind me only to hear her murmur a "yeah" before her breathing quickens again. I don't really know my way around this stadium very well but I manage to make to a door marked staff only. Assuming that this is where they keep the "special guests" I hold onto Julie's hand tighter before pulling her through the door.

"Rachel, what are you doing?" She says, the first full sentence she's said to me since we've arrived.

"Shush up Nashville and follow my lead."

"Are we going to do something illegal? Because I've never been to jail...except that one time Ol' Man Jenkins stole our goat off our farm and wouldn't give it back. I didn't mean to hit the old man so hard but he had no right to take our goat. I was out after a couple of days but I'm not ready to go back to jail." She explains a worried look on her face and I have to hold back the laugh that threatens to come out. If Harry were here he'd...stop it Rachel.

"We're not doing anything illegal. I'm just looking for Ed." I say with a shrug.

"Honey, I think we're all looking for Ed." She breathes out fanning herself and I shake my head. When we finally reach the end of the hallway I decide to take a right turn coming to another hallway full of rooms, luckily enough one of the rooms is marked Ed Sheeran. I'm surprised to see that there is no security guarding the room and I'm about to reach for the door knob when Julie stops me.

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