Happy 10k + Faith pt. 1

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It's fucking incredible that we've hit 10k reads. I never thought it would get this far this fast. I'm so happy that we've got this far, and I hope that together we can reach the stars. I love y'all so much, so without that much ado, I give you the first half of the next chapter.

~~later, like, really later~~

~~i don't believe in fate, nor psychic vision~~

Crickets chirped, the sounds of the night filling the empty space where their conversation should be. The nighttime dew tasted sweet in Percy's mouth as he sat crouched against a tree 300 meters away from his brothers' motel, eyeing the building through a monocular in his right hand, phone set on speaker in his left.

"You know, I'd rate that last one a 4 out of 10. He seemed like a prick, and not the type you want in bed."


"Dean, I'm just sayin' if you're going to sleep with someone while Sam is at the library, might as well choose a good one. I mean that guy looked like he's the type refuse to bottom and pump his fist and yell like he scored a touchdown when he finishes. Not to mention, you're like a solid 9 in looks, why are you pulling that?"

"I am both pissed at you and trying not to laugh because that is exactly what he did."

"See! Brother knows best. Anyways, you got an update for me?"

"You know, if you just came to the motel, I'm sure we could convince Sam to let up on this stupid grudge. You would be a part of cases, not relying on me for new info. Also, you could sleep in a motel instead of a tent and watch sitcoms instead of judging my sex life for entertainment."

"You know it's more than a grudge. I let his would-be fiancée die and didn't apologize. To be clear though, I judge both of your sex lives. Considering how many people you both sleep with I think my tent is cleaner. And trust me, Sam has better taste, even though he's as straight as a toothpick. Anyways, info?"

"Gross, and we've almost closed in on the rawhead that's kidnapping children. Sam's just double-checking for the address."

"Good. Sounds like y'all have this one covered."

"As opposed to what exactly?"

"Well, the hunt after I left, you got convicted for murder/torture then 'killed' because of a skinwalker. That hook man shit was creepy as fuck, but at least Sammy got some action out of it. You know, I am glad I missed out on the bugs. I know you can't see me, but I just shivered in repulsion. Seeing Mom again would have been nice..."

Percy had to pause, as it had stung when Dean had told him that Mom had saved them from the poltergeist in their old house. He would have given anything to see her one more time, apologize for not saving her, give her a hug, anything.

"Ahem, the asylum was sketchy, and your ass is only alive because I saved you from those pagan-god-worshipping, crackhead-farmer hippies." Chuckling, he added, "And my ass is only alive because I got outta there before Sam came back."

There was silence on the line for a moment, and then Dean said, "How do you do it?"

"How do I do what?"

"Pretend that you're okay."

"I'm not pretending."

"Yes, you are, every single day. And it breaks my heart."

"I'm fine, Dean."

"No! Stop lying to me! You keep acting like seeing my dead body when you walked into that house didn't scare you. Like the fact that Sam threatened to kill you the next time he sees you isn't bothering you. Like not being able to see Mom is just some missed opportunity. Dammit Percy, I know you better than that. You're fucking hiding everything from me when I just want to know you're okay, but you've never really been okay, Percy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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